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以后你还会给我同样的空白吗?Will you give me the same blankness in later?

刚才的音乐只给她留下一份戚然和空虚。The music left only this bad hurt in her and a blankness.

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但是没有一个姑娘用说话或者手势来表达她们的惆怅。But neither girl by word or gesture revealed her blankness.

空虚的活着。空虚的出卖自己。They live with blankness, they sell themselves with blankness.

空白是一种审美符号,是中国绘画独有的艺术表现形式。Blankness is an aesthetic symbol, an art expression form unique in Chinese painting.

假如他让梅·韦兰睁开眼睛,她只能茫然地看到一片空白,那该怎么办呢?What if, when he had bidden May Welland to open hers, they could only look out blankly at blankness?

他空白呆滞的目光暗示了童年及关塔那摩的经历给他留下的创伤。There is a blankness in his gaze that hints at the scars his childhood and Guantánamo have left on him.

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本文从传统的中国画的“笔墨”、“诗书画印”、以及“空白”、“意境”等几个方面来阐述中国绘画的民族性特征。From the "pen and ink", "poetry and print", "blankness"and "the mood of a literary work"of the tradition.

个人账户“空账”运转是形成我国养老金体制现收现付制实质的原因。The blankness of individual pension accounts is the core reason to make our current system pay-as-you-go.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She think the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that david is reluctant to tell her.

于是,对叶芝的历史主义解读,便留下了不少空白。Consequently, the historicist reading, particularly a new historicist one, is left over to quite a blankness.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thinks the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that David is reluctant to tell her.

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这种东方式隐喻的风格还有留白同样也出现在李安之前的电影「卧虎藏龙」。This style of oriental metaphor and blankness also appeared in his old movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

她认为在行之间故意留下的空白,代表提姆难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thought the deliberate blankness between the lines represented the things that Tim was reluctant to tell her.

所以它在这些时候都被呈现了出来,而且是同等地呈现了出来-,让我们回头看看,这种空无一物的感觉。So, that's present in all of these moments, but--equally present-- I want to get back to this sense of blankness.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thought the deliberate blankness between the lines represented the things that David was reluctant to tell her.

该工程项目已通过专家评审,填补了我国在这方面产业化的空白。This engineering has past the experts check up, and filled up the Industrialization blankness in the part of China.

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谁如果不懂得虚实相生,境生象外,谁就不可能领悟中国绘画的特色。Whoever does not know mutualism of blankness or conception beyond image, can not comprehend characteristics of Chinese painting.

而早上的白玉寺让人充满希望,仿佛自己是初生的婴儿,思想在这样的光线中是一片空白。Baiyu Temple in the morning makes people fill with hope as if you are a newborn baby. Thoughts in this kind of beam is a piece of blankness.

她脸上的表情,是一种被掠夺的空无,如此扣人心弦,好像所有作为人的记忆已经从她身上抹去了。But it was the look of destroyed blankness on Wang's face that was so arresting, suggesting that all memory of being human had been erased from her.