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我,爱尔娜·贝克,能够有婚前的性生活。I, Elna Baker, could have premarital sex.

婚前性行为的比例在大都市非常高。Premarital sex is very high in metropolitans.

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大部分人都有婚前性行为的经验,但仍然会结婚。Most people will have premarital sex, and most will still get married.

我个人认为婚前财产公证是必要的。I am personal to think it is necessary that premarital property notarize.

IPV与受教育程度、职业、婚前同居史相关。IPV is correlated with education, employment and premarital cohabitation experience.

专家称婚前性史的阴影是不少“80后”男青年婚后很难绝对信任妻子的理由。An expert said many husbands feel they cannot trust their wives about premarital sex.

一些人认为宣扬避孕就是宣扬婚前性行为。Some people think that promoting contraception promotes premarital sex. Invoke Mr. T!

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婚前性行为可以是非常安全的,如果是两人相爱的,相守的,只在二人之间的。Premarital sex can be very safe, if they are in love, Xiangshou, only between the two.

比如,现今越来越多的人对待婚前性行为的态度比前代人更加开放。For example, many more people are open to premarital sex today than previous generations.

存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners.

苏菲亚担心淑贞患了婚前恐惧症,请雪飞向淑贞了解一下。Sophia worry shu zhen had premarital phobia, please fly to snow shu zhen understanding once.

几十年以来,婚前性行为对于大多数美国人来说都是很正常的事情。Premarital sex is normal behavior for the vast majority of Americans, and has been for decades.

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方法分析现有资料,对近2年来的婚检人群特征和婚检结果进行分析。Methods All data of the volunteers under premarital examination in nearly 2 years were analyzed.

17岁那一年,我因为和我的女朋友过早发生性关系而被开除出了教会。At the age of 17, I was dis-fellowshipped from my church for having premarital sex with my girlfriend.

其主要部分是婚姻。同时还包括婚前的恋爱期和婚后的生育期。Its main part is marriage, and also include premarital love period and breeding period after marriage.

另外,在“未婚先孕的女星中,谁在婚礼时巧妙地掩盖了‘孕’相尽展美丽?”In addition, in "premarital pregnancy actress, who in wedding ably covered in all exhibit" at "beauty"?

近半人接受婚前性行为,约五分一人认为婚外情可接受。Nearly half approve of premarital sex and nearly one in five think that extramarital sex is acceptable.

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调查发现,女性其实跟男性一样有婚前性行为,几十年前出生的女性也不例外。The study found women virtually as likely as men to engage in premarital sex, even those born decades ago.

守贞性教育的宣讲给我们的印象是,似乎只要有婚前性行为,就必定有悲剧发生。Shouzhen sex education lectures given us the impression that as long as premarital sex, it must be a tragedy.

一份婚前协议可以保护子女或孙子女对前次婚姻的继承权。A premarital agreement can protect the inheritance rights of children and grandchildren from a previous marriage.