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我从没见过这麽无知的人。I've not met such one ignoramus.

我从没见过这么无知的人。I've never met such an ignoramus.

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你也只能欺骗像老刘那样的无知之人。You can only fool an ignoramus like Lao Liu.

约翰,你真的觉得萨利很无知吗?John, do you really take Sally for an ignoramus?

为此,我从法盲变成了律师。Therefore, I become a lawyer from an ignoramus of law.

是啊,他们都含有三聚氰胺,不学无术。Yeah, and they are all laced with melamine, you ignoramus.

老板不会把这项工作交给像你这样一个无知的人。The Boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.

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老板不会把这项工作交给家你这样一个无知的人。The boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.

那家伙岂止愚蠢,他简直是彻底无知。That guy is more than stupid. He's a dyed-in-the-wool ignoramus.

天啊。我从没见过这么无知的人。他怎么会这么做呢?。Oh my God. I've never met such an ignoramus. How could he do that?

不起诉裁量权是检察官自由裁量权的一种。Ignoramus discretion is one kind of public procurator's free discretion right.

到现在为止,我是头一次遇到他那种无知的人。By now it's the first time that I encounter an ignoramus like people of his sort.

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和他说那么多没用的,他只不过是个什么都不知道的笨蛋。It is useless to talk too much with him! He is just a ignoramus that knows nothing at all.

我还从来没有遇见象老张那样无知的人。他竟然连好坏都分不清。I've never met any ignoramus like Lao Zhang. He can't even separate the sheep from the goat.

针锋相对的反抗是我们的本能,但往往会让那些缺知少德者更加变本加厉。Tit-for-tat resistance is our instinct, but which will often make the ignoramus more intensified.

不知不觉已到中午,他们也有些饿了,于是去约定的酒楼找炎猛和洪蛟。Ignoramus already till noon, they are also some to be getting more peckish, accordingly the wine shop coinciding on seeks burning fierce with Hong Jiao.

可是,不这样,又有什么别的法子呢?知识的范围如此广博,一旦越出其专业范围,专家也会变成一无所知。And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his own specialty?

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那么它怎样才能是不同的,当知识的山脉是如此巨大以至于专家他自己一旦离开他的专业领域就成了一名无知者?And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his own specialty?

在上个学期里的学习中,不知不觉已经过去了。考试成绩很不理想。我还记得上学期的闭幕市的一些事。In the study in the last semester, the ignoramus has been already passed by. Examine result very disregard to think. I still remember some matters that the last term ends city.