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电器灌封胶的合成反应是本体反应,制备工艺非常简单。Synthesis of encapsulants for electronics is simple, its reaction is noumenal.

这是深人到舞蹈本体和联系整个文化背景的审美分析与现象分析。It is a noumenal aesthetic and phenomenal analysis connecting with the whole cultural background.

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人不仅属于“感知的”世界,而且属于一个他称为“概念的”或“本体的”世界。Man belongs not only to the "sensible" world, but also to a world he called "intelligible" or " noumenal ".

同时实现的仿真系统为宠物机器人本体结构方案的设计提供了参考依据。Additionally, the simulation system will offer referenced evidences for noumenal structural design of robot.

在中国语文教育的百年历史进程中,人们在不断地追寻语文教育本体的研究。During 100 years of Chinese teaching people searched for the noumenal study of Chinese teaching continuously.

就某种程度上说,那些人其实已确信了若干事实,但表面上还要装作根本不认可的样子。To the extent that men had believed in noumenal realities, they have presented appearance as a pure negative.

实践形而上学认为真正的本体性存在是人的实践活动及其创造的现实生活。Practical metaphysics considers that the true noumenal existence is a human practical activity and his real life.

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教学是一种人为的存在,这是教学本体问题研究的基本前设。Teaching-learning is a man-made being, as the essential presupposition of the study of noumenal problem of teaching-learning.

犯罪学本体理论建设的前提和基础是科学界定犯罪概念。How to define the concept of crime in scientific term is the precondition and the basis of the noumenal theory of the criminology.

高职教育的本体功能,是指高职教育本身对培养人所具有的作用和价值。The noumenal function of higher vocational education is the role and value of higher vocational education itself of cultivating people.

朱子学的第一原理是确立“理”的本体地位,作为现实世界的存在依据和价值真原。The first principle in Zhu Zi's theory is to establish the noumenal status of Li, which is regarded as the basis of real world and source of value.

格利高里奥知道他的著名人物不指望他准确地描述本体世界,没有盲目崇拜历史真实性。Gregorio, mindful that his famous character wouldn't expect him to accurately render the noumenal world, doesn't fetishize historical verisimilitude.

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广义上,运动市场可以分为运动本体市场、运动衍生市场和运动辐射市场。It points out that in the broad sense, the sports market can be divided into three sub-markets --- noumenal market, derivative market and radiant market.

绘画中的“底”与“图”正是在人类自然视觉机制作用下在人类长期的绘画创作实践中彰显着绘画本体性的价值。In the painting the ground and figure is a kind of noumenal value under the effect of human spontaneous vision during human long artistic creation history.

刑法规范的结构类型可分为辩证统一的逻辑结构与本体结构两种。The structural types of criminal legal norm might be divided into the two dialectical and unified kinds which are logical structure and noumenal structure.

刘勰所完成的是中国文学的本体意义批评,体现了强烈的文化责任感,具有实践致用型文化的特点和思辨性质。Liu Xie completed the criticism of noumenal meaning, full of a strong sense of cultural duty, and characteristic of practice oriented culture and speculation.

人类同时存在于现象域与本体域中,自然规律决定了人类的现象域,而作为潜在的自主性的道德个体,人类也存在与本体域中。Human beings exist both in the phenomenal realm, as causally determined parts of the natural order, and in the noumenal realm, as potentially autonomous moral agents.

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基于此境界我们从科学观点提出哲学本体实相的四个层次,即宏观层次、微观层次、理念层次及终极实相层次。These four levels are the macroscopic or sensual level, the microscopic or science level, the mathematical or reasoning level, and the noumenal or ultimate reality level.

笔者试图对拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴前奏曲进行兼顾音乐内涵的社会历史分析和本体艺术分析,并得出指导演奏的理论依据。I try to analyse Rakhmaninov' s piano prelude and it's music connotation basing on social history and noumenal art , and I want to get a academic gist of performance guidance.

诚信在中国传统道德理论和实践中具有本体的价值,其要求与社会主义市场经济健康发展的道德内涵具有一致性。Trustworthiness is of noumenal value in the traditional Chinese moral theory and practice, which is consistent with the moral connotation in the healthy growth of socialist market economy.