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尼日尔经常有严重的干旱期。Niger often has severe dry periods.

该组织正在尼日尔进行研究。The group is doing research in Niger.

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在尼日利亚,作为父母,他们毫无办法。Here in Niger there is nothing a parent can do.

尼日尔是世界上最大的铀输出国。Niger is the worlds largest exporter of uranium.

尼日尔则因为旱灾和粮食歉收正面临粮食危机。Drought and poor harvests led to a food crisis in Niger.

他说他叫阿普杜勒·阿齐兹,在尼日尔军队担任中尉。He says he is Abdul Aziz, a lieutenant in the Niger army.

但在尼日尔,许多农民种植树木来保护庄稼。But in Niger many farmers plant trees to protect their crops.

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尼日尔拥有铀矿,同时还是潜在的石油输出大国。Niger has uranium and is a potential big oil exporter as well.

联合国儿童基金会希尔德·约翰逊表示,尼日尔总是面临饥荒威胁。UNICEF's Hilde Johnson says Niger is always at risk of famine.

马里中部一城市,靠近尼日乐河,位于巴马科东北部。A city of central Mali near the Niger River northeast of Bamako.

已经为尼日利亚和尼日尔采购了个人防护装备。Personal protective equipment has been procured for Nigeria and Niger.

萨阿迪跟随最新的车队穿越边境进入尼日尔境内。Al-Saadi Gaddafi was in the latest convoy which has crossed into Niger.

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这座城镇曾经是尼日尔与黎巴嫩间奴隶贸易之路上的一个中转站。Once it was a station on a slave-trading route between Niger and Libya.

尼日尔政府袭击了首都尼亚美的主要监狱。Government in Niger have attacked the main prison in the capital Niamey.

尼日尔在八月初遭受洪水侵袭前,情况就已不容乐观。Niger was already in bad shape before the floods started in early August.

以纤维素废弃物为原料利用黑曲霉LN0402菌株发酵生产纤维素酶。Cellulose waste was used to produce cellulase by Aspergillus niger LN0402.

尼日尔还号称自己有一只小的军队——只有12000名士兵和4架飞机。Niger also boasts a small army – it has about 12000 troops and 4 aircrafts.

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枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢外壳模糊肿胀。The shell of spore of Bacillus subtilis var. niger was blurred and swollen.

自1500年开始,伊维族便被迫由尼日河往西迁移。From the 1500s on, the Ewe were driven from the Niger River delta westwards.

非洲有三条很大的河,即刚果河、尼日尔河和尼罗河。There are three very large rivers in Africa, viz. the Congo, Niger and Nile.