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所以哈希到底是什么样的?So what in the world is hashing?

我老了,现在我常常回忆过去那些美好的日子。I'm old, now I'm often hashing over the old fine days.

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你需要一把利刀和一块菜板来切碎那块肉。You'll need a sharp knife and a wooden board for hashing up that meat.

前者是一个散列例程,而后者用于执行查找。The former is the hashing routine, while the latter is used for lookup.

取而代之的是,使用一种单向散列算法来避免密码被提取。Instead, use a one-way hashing algorithm to prevent password extraction.

相关联的散列算法用来提供完整性服务。The associated hashing algorithm is used for providing integrity services.

散列方式允许客户机连接尝试永远被路由到相同的服务器。Hashing allows client connect attempts to always be routed to the same server.

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底层的提供者会处理好必要的密码散列或解密。The underlying provider will take care of all necessary password hashing or decryption.

最后分析了直接匿名证言方案的实现机制和它的匿名性。A security hashing algorithm for Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme is presented in the paper.

你可以看到Shiro对哈希和编码简化了不少,挽救了你处理在这类问题上所消耗的脑细胞。You can see how much Shiro simplifies hashing and encoding, saving you a bit of sanity in the process.

有一个问题将再输入字符串哈希算法相比,算法输出?。Is there an issue with putting a longer input string to a hashing algorithm than the algorithm outputs?

要写出一个完美的哈希函数是很困难的,特别是要处理哈希表中的冲突。Perfecting hashing is difficult and to deal with that hashtable implementations support collision resolution.

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除标准的散列关系之外,现在还有一个可遍历整个集合的链表。In addition to the standard hashing relationship, there is now a linked list that traverses through the collection.

使用良好的哈希一致性功能,所有的服务器节点存储的数据容量都是差不多大小。With a good consistent hashing function, all servers should have more or less the same amount of data stored locally.

但根据美国密歇根大学的一项最新研究表明,夫妇因磕磕碰碰的琐事而争吵其实有助于健康。But new research at the University of Michigan shows that hashing out marital disagreements is actually good for your health.

虚拟页的数值被散列到一个页表中,这个页表包含散列到相同地址的一根链指针。The virtual page number is hashed into a page table. This page table contains a chain of elements hashing to the same location.

此外,本文还对线性散列技术作了一般性扩充,并通过模拟实验研究了方法的性能。In addition, a general expansion of lip ear hashing and the results of simulation of performance of the method are given as well.

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及其后版本验证协议使用的密码哈希算法与老的客户端不兼容。MySQL 4.1 and up uses an authentication protocol based on a password hashing algorithm that is incompatible with that used by older clients.

这是因为散列可以将输入值转化为新的值,而这些新值不能从数学上逆向生成原始值。This is because hashing an input value converts it into a new value that is mathematically impossible to undo to produce the original value.

文档存储在叶子级目录中,并且通过使用哈希算法,文件被均匀地分布在这些叶子目录中。Documents are stored among the directories at the leaf level using a hashing algorithm to evenly distribute files among these leaf directories.