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建造及营办一所新的火葬场。Construction and operation of a new crematorium.

你知道我那个开火葬场的朋友克里斯吧?You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium ?

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我们全家去火葬场吊唁时。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

我们全家去火葬场吊唁他的去世。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

富山火葬场新火化炉投入服务。New cremators commissioned at the Fu Shan Crematorium.

众目睽睽之下。一具凌乱的尸体被拖向火葬场。Full view. A messy body was entrusted to the crematorium.

此外,你还可以看到整日超负荷运转的焚尸炉。And you can also find the crematorium with running overloaded.

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富山火葬场四个新火化炉投入服务。Four new crematory are commissioned at the fu shan crematorium.

教堂里有超过250人,火葬场的小礼堂里也有350多人。More than 250 people at the church and 350 at the crematorium chapel.

火化之后要用水来冷却火葬场烟囱中的气体。After cremation, water is used to cool gases in the crematorium chimney.

市火葬场鲜花拜祭区,只有两人在该区拜祭。City Crematorium flowers honor the district, only two graves in the area.

厚厚的黑烟流从双烟囱的城市的火葬场。Thick black smoke streamed from the twin smokestacks of the town's crematorium.

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厚厚的黑烟流从双烟囱的城市的火葬场。Thick black smoke streamed from the twin smokestacks of the town's crematorium.

家庭成员以悲痛的心情送岳母大人到万里焚化场。Family members filled with sorrow sending my Mother-In-Law to Mandai Crematorium.

回头望见松原里的一座孤寂的火葬场。Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming⑤ out of a pine wood.

他们望着地上以前战俘遗留下的残骸并参观了焚尸炉。They look at the remains of prisoners lying on the ground and see crematorium ovens.

他还知道,任何一棵从低矮的苜蓿丛中长出的又高又大、茕茕孑立的橡树都意味着一处焚尸场。Any lone massive oak he finds growing from a low clover-covered mound marks a crematorium.

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在新火化炉顺利运作后,拆卸现有的火葬场。Decommission the existing crematorium after the satisfactory commissioning of the new one.

人最终是要进入火葬场的,这是我们必须要经历的人生最后一站。Eventually to enter the crematorium , which is we have to go through the last leg of life.

你的任务是利用这列表上的信息决定多少死者要送到火葬场。Basing on this information, you should determine how many clients have been sent to a crematorium.