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本文提出了马尔可夫模型在投资组合理论及风险管理。This paper proposes markovian models in portfolio theory and risk management.

利用马尔可夫理论,构造了两个机采工作面产量的模拟模型。Two models for output of mechanized coal face are constructed with Markovian theory.

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研究布朗束缚振子在马尔可夫极限下的统计性质。The Statistical properties of Brownian bound oscillator under the Markovian limit are studied.

应用马尔克夫链理论证明了新算法的全局收敛性。The global convergence of the new genetic algorithm is proved by using Markovian chain theory.

利用马尔可夫过程理论为F-PRMA协议系统建立了三状态简化模型。A three-state Markovian model of the F-PRMA system is developed based on Markov process theory.

利用分析方法研究了马氏环境中马氏链的若干强极限定理。Some strong limit theorems of Markov chains in Markovian environments are studied by analysis method.

将网络化控制系统建模为具有两种运行模式的马尔可夫跳变线性系统。The networked control system can be modeled as Markovian jump linear systems with two operation modes.

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第二,考虑了具有马尔可夫跳变参数以及带有不确定性参数系统的鲁棒稳定性。Second, robust stability of systems with Markovian jumping parameters and with uncertainties is considered.

用随机过程论中的马尔克夫链理论研究了几种遗传算法的收敛性。The convergences of several genetic algorithms are studied by using Markovian chain theory in stochastic processes.

研究具有状态时滞离散马尔可夫跳跃系统的鲁棒故障检测问题。The robust fault detection problem for a class of discrete-time Markovian jump systems with time-delays is investigated.

根据TS-OU过程的马氏性和时齐性,给出其轨道的R语言模拟程序。In terms of the Markovian property and homogeneity of the TS-OU process, the simulating programs in R language are given.

对一类含有马尔可夫跳变参数的中立系统研究了鲁棒保性能滤波问题。Robust guaranteed cost filtering for a class of linear neutral systems with Markovian jumping parameters is investigated.

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本文用马尔科夫决策规划的理论研究了经济发展中策略选取及策略改进。This paper studies the tactics choice and its improvement in the development of economy by means of Markovian Decision Programming.

采用马尔科夫决策规划来分析零备件的随机动态存储问题,并结合实例进行分析。We research the process of randomly dynamic storage by means of Markovian decision programming and analyze it with practical example.

关于时间离散的马氏决策规划的状态的转移,仅依赖于当前的状态与决策。In the Markovian decision scheme with discrete time the transfer of situation only relys on the situation and decision of the present.

求出了0为吸收壁,M为反射壁的马氏环境中生灭链的灭绝概率。Extinction probabilities for the birth and death chain in Markovian environment with an absorption barrier 0 and a reflection barrier M.

本文首次引入了随机环境中单生链的概念,随机环境中生灭链为其特例,并讨论了马氏环境中单生链的不稳定性和随机环境中单生链的灭绝问题。In this paper, we are to study a strong law of large numbers for function of Markov processes and Markov chains in Markovian environments.

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第二,研究具有非线性扰动的广义马尔可夫跳变系统的状态观测器的设计问题。Secondly, the problem studied involves the observer design for a class of descriptor Markovian jumping systems with nonlinear perturbations.

本文讨论了更为广泛的具有分布型时滞,双线性马尔可夫过程跳变参数的不确定性系统。In this paper, a class of more generalized bilinear distributed delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and uncertainties are discussed.

求出了0为吸收壁,M为反射壁的马氏环境中齐次生灭链的灭绝概率。Extinction probabilities for the homogeneous birth and death chain in Markovian environment with an absorption barrier 0 and a reflection barrier M.