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别在墙上乱涂乱画!Don't splotch on the wall.

真幸运她要是叫大污点怎么办?What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch ?

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真幸运她要是叫大污点怎么办?That's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch ?

那只黑色小猫长着白色前爪,胸口上有一块白斑。The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest.

菜单的右上角还留着一块被泪滴打湿的放射状的污痕。There was still the rayed splotch in the upper right-hand corner where a tear had fallen.

燃烧的灯芯在朦胧中变得红通通的一片。The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes.

我几乎不能辨认出下一句话,因为这里有一个闻起来像防晒霜式的油斑。I couldn’t make out the next couple of lines, owing to an oily splotch of what smelled like suntan lotion.

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例如,在2003年,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局拍摄的伊利湖卫星照片中出现一个绿色污点,后来被证实是微胞藻绿潮爆发。In 2003, for example, a NASA satellite spotted a green splotch in Lake Erie that turned out to be a Microcystis bloom.

本发明利用超声波的“空化”脱污效应,能使污渍快速脱离本体,达到快速高效清洗、去污、清洁的目的。The present invention utilizes the cavitation effect of ultrasonic wave to make splotch separating fast so as to reach the aim of fast cleaning.

莎拉认出这是她下午打的第一份菜单,掉到右上角的那滴眼泪带着边纹的斑痕仍清晰可辨。Sarah recognized the first card she had typewritten that afternoon. There was still the rayed splotch in the upper right-hand corner where a tear had fallen.

我沉醉于电影胶片带动转轴时那斯斯的声音和影片角落里的黑色斑点,喜欢那种上了发条的手表在安静中发出的嘀嘀嗒嗒声,还钟情于用手写的方式来表达自我。I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels. I enjoyed the hushed, uneven ticking of a windup watch. I love handwriting.