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你有把生活浪漫化的倾向。You have a tendency to romanticize your life.

不要使传奇地说这个没有兴趣而且艰苦的工作!Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!

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面对如是美景,你很容易会把眼前的一切都想象得很浪漫。In the face of such beauty, it’s easy to romanticize these surroundings.

当然,把这些过于传奇化是不对的。Sure a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary.

当然,没有必要地把这一切过分浪漫化。Sure, it's a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary.

我很幸运,因为在20岁的时候,我有机会去把事情浪漫化,并且过着天真幼稚额生活。I’m lucky that I had the opportunity, back at age twenty, to romanticize things and be naive.

海王星的第七家在宝瓶座的时间可以浪漫的最好的朋友结婚的概念。Neptune's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend.

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很多人都趋向于把童年的偶像看的比生命还重要,但是我却不能这么做,因为我是一个评论员。I can't romanticize the past, making the heroes of my childhood larger than life, as we all have a tendency to do.

谁也不会要求一位作家不顾确实可靠的证据,把玛丽·林肯的形象加以美化或使之富有浪漫传奇色彩。No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence, to touch up or romanticize Mary Lincoln 's portrait.

他从不低估他的敌手,并且注意不使他所做的外交努力所取得的成果传奇化。He never underestimated his adversaries and was careful not to romanticize teh achievements of his diplomatic endeavors.

苏轼除了作品被人接受外,本人也被后代传奇化,为后世文人们所接受,所以本文选取此方向为创新突破口。Except Sushi's work is acceptable, himself is romanticize and accepted by people. So this article summarizes the direction of innovation.

多少会有些梦想家和浪漫主义的色彩,但是这些都影响了你的现实生活。You may be somewhat of a dreamer and romanticize emotions, yet your dreams may reflect truths when you are in tune to your higher awareness.

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然而,徜徉于“老爷车怀旧之旅”时,我们更像是在体会美国几十年来对古巴贸易禁运的后果。But romanticizing the whimsy of classic American cars is to romanticize the decades-old trade embargo that the United States has imposed on Cuba.

其他的研究已经证明当我们相信自己为配偶和父母牺牲了很多的时候,总是会极大地理想化和他们的关系。Other research has shown that we romanticize our relationships with spouses and partners significantly more when we believe we have sacrificed for them.

这篇社论提到,”有的记者喜欢将他们看到的但却缺乏了解认识的东西浪漫化,还将骆大使奉为中国官员的镜子。"Some journalists like to romanticize what they see out of a lack of knowledge and may hold Locke up as a mirror for Chinese officials, " the editorial said.

克里斯托弗他们一直在按照他们对我们现在或过去生活的想象,给这种生活增添了很多浪漫的色彩,而我不会让它去与别人交易的,尽管它会像蛇的牙齿一样锋利。Kristof and others constantly romanticize the life they imagine we live, or used to live, and I wouldn't trade it for any other. But it can be as sharp as a serpent's tooth.

流传的歌谣以及文学作品中对匪徒人物形象地描绘,他们的犯罪活动被夸大和浪漫化了,并一步步构建成“神话”中的形象。Ballads, folklore and literature depict the culprits, exaggerate and romanticize their criminal activities , and a step-by-step construction of a "myth" in the image is built.

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虽然有许多人将结了婚就能过上幸福美好的生活的想法浪漫化,然而,仍有人选择了在没有夫妻合法化的情况下履行承担义务的恋爱关系。While many romanticize the idea of getting married and living happily ever after, others choose to engage in committed relationships without the legality of becoming man and wife.