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他们正在等候倒记时的开始。They were waiting for the countdown.

行人“通行”标志的倒计时钟。Countdown clocks on pedestrian "walk" signs.

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我们的新年倒计时在八点钟开始。Our end-of-year countdown began at 8 o’clock.

机器上电后,开始倒计时参数1设置的时间。Parameter 1 timer countdown starts at power-on.

为战役开始版面增设倒时器。Added a countdown timer to campaign mission start.

我们现在已接近2015年倒计时的中点。We are near the mid-point in the countdown to 2015.

在我们的最黑暗唱片排行榜中位居44名。It enters our darkest records countdown at Number 44.

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新年夜你会参加倒计时晚会吗?Will you attend the countdown party on New year's Eve?

修改了组队时限间隔为10秒。Changed Team-Up Period countdown interval to 10 seconds.

地球上的听众听到静海谷底倒计时的声音。Listeners on Earth heard the countdown from Tranquility Base.

甘蓝海滩和麦科诺斯岛是全球十大沙滩的第九和第十名。Cabbage Beach and Mykonos are ninth and tenth on the countdown.

它们是彩条,剪辑板,倒计时和黑场。They are color bars, slate, countdown clock, black and silence.

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6月19日是北京奥运会倒计时50天。June 19 marks the 50-day countdown of the Beijing Olympic Games.

你可以做个时间表来给自己倒计时。You can use a timeline to create a personal countdown challenge.

倒计时系统中采用8个LED显示日时分秒。In countdown the system uses when 8 LED show minutes and seconds.

加入到“现在就开始--2009倒计时挑战”中来吧!Get involved in the Make It Happen Now – 2009 Countdown Challenge!

机器上电后,开始倒计时参数1设置的时间。After power-on, it starts to countdown the time set by parameter 1?

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每次我按下30分钟倒数计时器闹铃,然后就躺下。I set my countdown timer alarm for 30 minutes right when I lie down.

第26届世界大学生运动会开始倒计时活动正在进行中。The countdown to the start of the 26th World Universiade is underway.

月5日,2010年中国上海世博会就将迎来开幕倒计时300天。July 5 will mark the 300-day countdown to the 2010 Shanhai World Expo.