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互相信任与亲密无间是根治第三方卷入的良方。The cure for triangulation is trust and intimacy.

平面散乱点三角剖分在实践中有广泛应用。Plane scattered data triangulation has a wide application.

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全球定位系统的信号怎样编码,以作准确的三角测量?How are GPS signals encoded to allow precise triangulation?

用婚姻心理学术语,这被称作‘第三方’。In the lingo of marital psychology, this is called triangulation.

大陆上的现有三角测量系统还须平差。Existing continental triangulation systems also still need to be adjusted.

提出了一种参数曲面的拟自适应三角化离散算法。A semi-adaptive triangulation of parametrically defined surface is presented.

试想一下证交会在这种三边条件下提出的民事欺诈指控。Think about the SEC civil fraud charges in the context of this triangulation.

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论述了一种基于规则格网地形模型的动态构网算法。This paper discusses an algorithm of dynamic triangulation for RSG model of terrain.

提出了一种针对空间封闭点云的三角剖分算法。This paper puts forward a triangulation algorithm used for space closed point-cloud.

激光三角法测量原理是目前光学测量应用最广泛的方法之一。The triangulation method with using a laser is the most widely-used one in this area.

通过超样条函数的光滑公式,讨论了1型三角剖分下超样条函数空间。The local supported basis of super spline spaces over type-1 triangulation is presented.

三角测量法是一种传统的位移测量方法。Laser measurement based on triangulation is a traditional method for measuring displacement.

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物质有三态,空间有三维,而三角测量是我们寻找自己坐标的方式。There are three states of matter, three dimensions. Triangulation is how we get our bearings.

一个心理未断乳的人便是此情结的代表。A person who hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation.

她说道,“人肉搜索”应用GPS系统和所谓的手机发射塔的三角测量来完成这项工作的。She says "Latitude" uses GPS systems and what's called cell tower triangulation to do the job.

本文论述了一种基于规则格网地形模型的实时动态构网算法。This paper discusses an algorithm of real-time dynamic triangulation for RSG model of terrain.

平面散点域的三角化效率一直是人们关心的问题。Efficiency of triangulation on plane data set is a key issue in GIS and computer graphic field.

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散乱点的三角网格剖分是反求工程中首要环节。Triangulation of scattered points is the first important section during the reverse engineering.

利用弱样条函数的光滑条件给出了超样条函数的光滑公式。According to the smooth condition, the super spline space over type-1 triangulation is discussed.

三角测量技术,为确定长码型PRBS31抖动构成提供了快速高效的方法。Fast, effective method for determining long pattern PRBS31 jitter composition with triangulation.