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欢迎来到我的陋室。Welcome to my humble abode.

这是一所无鼠害的房子。It is a abode free of mouse.

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他是一个没有固定住所的小贩。He is a pedlar of no fixed abode.

本自己搞是拉各斯的一家保付商行。Mine is a confirming abode in Lagos.

这所屋子我们向他索价35000英镑。We offered him the abode for £35000.

躬身致意吧,大天使,在你幽暗的居所。Bow down, archangels, in your dim abode.

他在北京几乎住了一辈子。He abode in Beijing almost all his life.

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“喜马拉雅”在藏语中是“冰雪之乡”的意思。"Himalaya" means "abode of snow" in Tibetan.

在屋中撑伞会倒霉。Opening an umbrella in the abode is bad luck.

我走街串巷找到了他的新住所。I went round the streets and found his new abode.

二人就在那里同门徒住了多日。And there they abode long time with the disciples.

禁欲可以通过这样的方式达到。The abode of celibacy is attained through this plan.

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否则的话,我会把你的屋子夷为废城。If you don't pay, I will reduce your abode to debris.

这是一个吵吵闹闹、乱七八糟、没有规矩的人家。It was the abode of noise, disorder, and impropriety.

于是乌利亚那日和次日住在耶路撒冷。So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow.

我们无友无爱无财也无宁静住所。Friends and loves we have none, nor wealth nor blest abode.

他住在山庄成了一种没法解释的压迫。His abode at the Heights was an oppression past explaining.

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我们无友无爱无财也无宁静住所。FRIENDS and loves we have none, nor wealth nor blessed abode.

吉姆憎恶国王并且有一天他用原子弹轰炸了国王的住所。He abominated the king and one day he a-bombed the king's abode.

窃贼小心掩饰地潜入室内。The thief intruded into the abode dawn caution or dissimulation.