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门口有双顽皮的眼睛在朝里张望。Impish eyes peered from the doorway.

天啊,小鬼子这次是要栽跟头了。Good heavens, the impish son is falling this time.

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只是工作,穿着短裤和一个顽皮的笑容。Just Jobs here, wearing shorts and an impish grin.

他具有顽皮式的幽默感,爱看“星球大战”。He has an impish sense of humor and a love of “Star Wars.”

用顽皮笑声戏弄和使人烦恼被抑制了一半。Teasing and worrying with impish laughter half suppressed.

罗恩的幽默平衡了哈利的阴郁。Harry’s darkness was balanced by Ron’s impish sense of humor.

他那双褐色得眼睛,好奇又顽皮,透出他对所有言语的理解。His inquisitive and often impish brown eyes mirrored an understanding of everything verbal.

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一个调皮的女孩拉出一个原本也属于喇嘛的护符,然后立刻吞掉了。An impish girl pulled out an amulet that had also been the lama's, and immediately swallowed it.

但昭义有点顽皮而且习惯轻声发笑,在一对一教导学生时感到最自在不拘。Impish and given to easy chuckling, Dan feels most at home when teaching his students one-on-one.

柯瑞博士是一位鬼灵精怪的发明家,有一天,突发奇想地创造了一枚可以赋予物体生命的徽章。Cracky, an impish and mischievous inventor, has created a badge, which can bestow life on objects.

游客可以和这些淘气的吉祥物一起拍照并且索取他们的签名。Visitors are invited to have their photos taken with the impish mascots, and collect their autographs.

我在1974年第一次遇到贝布托,当时她还是个二十一岁的少女,从牛津返乡度暑假。I first met her in 1974, when she was a slightly impish 21-year-old home from Oxford on summer vacation.

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这是孩子们在自己的房间玩的“小鬼当家”的游戏,是孩子们最自由的快乐空间。This is children are in what his room plays " impish husband " game, it is children's freest happy space.

厚实的深色头发,脸稍长,看上去还有些顽皮的气质。He is of medium height and fit-seeming in a compact way, with thick dark hair and a long face that generally has an impish expression.

作为一种对审查制度顽童式的抗议,这匹头顶恶名的小马驹并不只是嘲笑政府的审查员,尽管它的确在这样做。Conceived as an impish protest against censorship, the foul-named little horse has not merely made government censors look ridiculous, although it has surely done that.

盖莫尔星还有一种顽皮的哺乳动物叫捣蛋鬼,盖莫尔人非常痛恨牠们,但所有试图消灭这种顽皮的有害动物的行动都失败了。Gamorr is also home to an impish mammalian species called quizzers, which the Gamorreans hate with a passion. All attempts to exterminate the playful pests have met with failure.

认识到人类思维的”调皮“会帮助我们平和地从那位本来也许让我们”疯狂“的”疯狂制造者“分身,从而让我们在那些动弹不了的地方摆脱出来。Recognizing this impish quirk of human thinking helps us peacefully detach from crazy-makers who might otherwise drive us nuts, and jolts us free from the places we get most stuck.

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照片里,24岁的蕾切尔穿着传统的白色婚纱,已经66岁的菲尔则头戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫和黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,这已经是他第三次结婚了。She was 24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then 66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw-coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.