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精子畸形试验阴性。The sperm teratogenicity test was negative.

就说你看到书上写着抽烟对胎儿不好,容易致畸。Say, read the book you see smoke on the fetal well, easy to teratogenicity.

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致畸试验对孕鼠无明显母体毒性、对胎鼠无明显胚胎毒性和致畸性。No teratogenicity and mutagenicity to the pregnant rat and embryo rat were observed.

目的探讨蛞蝓胶囊是否具有致畸和致突变的毒理作用。OBJECTIVE To explore the toxicological effects of Slug capsule on teratogenicity and mutagenicity.

目的探讨苯对小鼠胚胎体内发育的毒性。Objective To explore the developmental toxicity and teratogenicity of benzene on mouse embryo in vivo.

目的研究二氧化氯消毒液的致畸性和亚急性毒性。Objective To study the teratogenicity and subacute toxicity of chlorine dioxide for its safety assessment.

在本实验剂量和条件下仙人掌粉未见有母体毒性、胚胎毒性和致畸作用。Opuntia milpa alta flower has no maternal toxicity, embryonic and teratogenicity under the experimental conditions.

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结果表明,该营养液对孕鼠无母体毒性、无胚胎毒性和致畸作用。The results showed the liquid had neither maternal toxicity embryotoxicity nor teratogenicity in rats at the doses used.

目的观察复方枸杞子口服液经灌胃对大鼠的生殖毒性和胚胎致畸作用。Objective To observe reproductive toxicity and teratogenicity of compound medlar oral solution in rats by intragastric administration.

结论金葡菌L型对小鼠胚胎发育具有致畸性,其致畸作用可能是通过影响脏层卵黄囊功能与直接攻击胚胎的综合作用。It concludes S. aureus L forms have teratogenicity , which may be a comprehensive effect on the visceral yolk sac function and embryos.

桔霉素是一种真菌毒素,作用的靶器官是肾脏,可以致畸、诱发肿瘤、突变等。However citrinin produced in the growth process of monascus is a mycotoxin and will induce teratogenicity carcinogenicity and mutagencity.

常规的毒理学试验没有发现PC有显著的长期或急性毒性,同时也没有发现PC具有致突变和致畸作用。Standard toxicological assessments indicate no significant acute or chronic toxicity from PC, as well as no mutagenicity and no teratogenicity.

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在萘急性毒性试验基础上,通过亚致死毒性、致畸性和组织病理学等指标评价了萘的水生毒性。On the base of acute toxicity test on naphthalene, we've assessed the aquatic toxicity of naphthalene by sub-lethal toxicity and teratogenicity.

大量研究表明,DEHP是一种公认的动物内分泌干扰物,具有致癌、致畸和致突变性。The massive research indicated that DEHP is one kind of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in animals, with carcinogenicity, teratogenicity , and mutagenicity.

怀孕的第三个月是最容易导致婴儿畸形的时期,预产的妈妈们必须防范各种病毒和有害化学物质。On the third month of pregnancy is the most vulnerable Teratogenicity fetal period, expecting mothers must guard against viruses and all kinds of toxic chemicals.

红景天不影响肝脏胆汁分泌功能,毒理学的致畸评价方面是安全的,故红景天作为新型药材、新型食品资源的开发前景理想。Rhodiola does not affect the function of the liver bile secretion, toxicological evaluation of teratogenicity are safe, so it can be new kind of herbal medicines and food resources.

结果二种受试溶液均表现出一定的胚胎毒性和致畸性,但与新配溶液相比,存放溶液的毒性明显降低。Results Both of the two observed solutions showed a certain embryo toxicity and teratogenicity . The toxicity of stored solution decreased significantly compared with that of newly prepared solution.