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白喉抗毒素是异性蛋白。Diphtheria antitoxin is a foreign protein.

有狂犬病疫苗,伤寒疫苗,白喉疫苗There are vaccines for rabies, for typhoid, diphtheria.

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德国细菌生物学家。他首次培养了白喉细菌。German bacteriologist who was the first to culture the diphtheria bacterium.

1994年当俄罗斯联邦暴发白喉期间我第一次访问莫斯科。I first visited Moscow in 1994, during an outbreak of diphtheria in the Russian Federation.

我来是看看她的嗓子,也许她患了白喉,而且很可能会死于这种病。I’m here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it.

治疗方式为及时注射白喉抗毒素,产生长期的免疫力。Diphtheria is. treated with an antitoxin that neutralizes the toxin and produces long-term immunity.

法国细菌学家。他通过促使马产生抗体发现了白喉抗毒素。French bacteriologist who discovered diphtheria antitoxin by promoting antibody production in horses.

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在阿谁月里,我们在这个小孩的学校发现了很多白喉患者。It appears that a number of cases of diphtheria had been found in this child's school during that month.

为了保护马蒂尔达及其他孩子,医生必须弄清她是否患了白喉。In order to protect Mathilda and other children, the doctor must know clearly whether she got diphtheria.

一些传染病如白喉、腮腺炎、风疹等有时也可并发。A few contagion are like diphtheria , parotitis, measles to wait to also can erupt simultaneously sometimes.

目的表达白喉毒素无毒变异体CRM197,并考察其载体作用。Objective To express the nontoxic mutant CRM197 of diphtheria toxin and study its effect as a carrier protein.

国际雪橇狗耐久赛是为纪念一九二五年白喉病爆发时,人们以雪橇狗接力的方式运送医药到诺姆来控制疫情。The race commemorates a 1925 sled-dog relay that sent life-saving medicine to Nome to combat a diphtheria outbreak.

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白喉是一种严重的细菌感染,通常引起严重的咽痛、淋巴结肿大、发热和颤栗。Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection that usually causes a bad sore throat, swollen glands, fever, and chills.

结论该批冻干人免疫球蛋白白喉抗体国家标准品可取代上批国家标准品。Conclusion The national standard for diphtheria antibody human immunoglobulin can replace the previous national standard.

这类病毒包括肝炎、疱疹、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、肺结核、风疹、白喉及伤寒。Such viruses include hepatitis, herpes, measles, chicken pox, mumps, tuberculosis, rubella and diphtheria along with typhoid.

白喉毒素被吸收入粘膜引起上皮细胞的破坏和表面炎症反应。Diphtheria toxin is absorbed into the mucous membranes and causes destruction of epithelium and a superficial inflammatory response.

1992年以后,各项工作指标仍然保持在消除白喉阶段的水平,22年无病例发生,消除白喉的成果得到巩固和提高。Every indexes has been kept since 1992, and there was no case during 22 years, the achievement of eradicating diphtheria was consolidated.

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为了保护马蒂尔达本人和其他的儿童,医生必须弄清马蒂尔达是否患了白喉,以便给予及时的治疗。In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children, the doctor needed to make clear whether she got diphtheria so as to cure her in time.

本品的批准,65岁含以上的老人,现在能有机会接收一种疫苗来同时预防百日咳与破伤风和白喉。With this approval, adults 65 and older now have the opportunity to receive a vaccine that prevents pertussis, as well as tetanus and diphtheria.

白喉是由白喉棒状杆菌引起的对儿童威胁极大的一种急性呼吸道传染病。Diphtheria is causes by the diphtheria clavate bacillus threatens the enormous one kind of acute respiratory tract infectious disease to the child.