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什么样的东西能够被抽象?What sorts of things can be abstracted?

那人从我口袋里偷去了一支笔。The man abstracted a pen from my pocket.

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它们是抽象化的和标准化的。They were abstracted and conventionalized.

玛丽为这篇书评写故事梗概。Mary abstracted a story for the book review.

这篇文章是一本厚书的提要。The article was abstracted from a longer book.

这个陌生人用我包里的金笔做了摘录。The stranger abstracted the gold pen from my bag.

这篇文章是从一本较长的新书中摘选出来的。The article was abstracted from a longer new book.

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海水是否由非禁止区域抽取?Is the seawater abstracted from non-prohibited area?

窃贼从我抽屉里偷走了珠宝。The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer.

绿的概念是从绿色物体中抽象出来的。The idea of greenness is abstracted from green objects.

众所周知,金属能从矿石中提炼出来。It is known to all that metal can be abstracted from ore.

目前多采用水提法制得茶多糖粗品。Now the crude tea polysaccharide is abstracted in water mostly.

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最后我们从70篇文献中、分40个层次整理有关资料。Ultimately, we abstracted data from 70 articles and 40 cohorts.

红的概念是从所有红色物体中提取出来的。The idea of redness is abstracted from the colour of all red objects.

分隔符也抽象为这个函数的一个参数。The separator is also abstracted out as a parameter to this function.

散射光的能量取自原来的光束。The energy of the scattered light is abstracted from the original beam.

速率的历程被抽象成渐增的、永无尽头的轨迹。The process of speed is abstracted increasing the endless trajectories.

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野生黄连研究成果被美国化学文摘收录。Be abstracted on the research paper of wild Coptis by Chemical Abstract.

可以通过抽象让参与者不必了解交互的某些方面。Some aspects of an interaction can be abstracted away from the participants.

有没有不能浓缩或提炼的人造的大系统?Are there any artificial large systems that cannot be compressed or abstracted?