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她表现出她的天资并不令人感到奇怪。It’s no surprise that she shows an aptitude.

他们正在发能力倾向测验的表格。They're handing out forms for an aptitude test.

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Debian官方团队推荐使用Aptitude。The Debian team officially recommends using Aptitude.

赢者的优势全在态度,而不在才智。The winner's edge is all in the attitude, not aptitude.

导演有对于喜剧片的态度,但是也许并不正确。Anderson has the attitude for comedy, but not the aptitude.

甚至孩童时他就显露出非统一般的数学才能。Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.

方面的能力,银枪蜡头一个!The aptitude of the appearance, the silver pistol wax 1st one!

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迪安在数学方面的才能使他成为一名成功的工程师。Dean's aptitude in math helped him to become a successful engineer.

一个性向是天生的天生能力做某种工作。An aptitude is an innate inborn ability to do a certain kind of work.

这些人才的热情和才能的爆发令我们受益匪浅。All of us benefit greatly from this surge of human energy and aptitude.

因此,因材施教,进行分级教学是十分有必要的。Therefore, teach Students in accordance of their aptitude is essential.

然而,坦白的说,我相马的能力其实比相狗还要强些。Indeed, my aptitude for appraising the horse is better than that of dog.

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智能数控系统,可不连电脑独立工作。Advanced AM7 aptitude numerial control system, can work alone without PC.

不过,男生么,总不能因为这点事就垮掉吧。However, boy Yao, forever not aptitude because of this stuff the Kua drip.

法国的局部问题可能在于缺少年青新秀。Part of France's botheration could be the absence of new adolescent aptitude.

他应聘了微软公司一个门卫的岗位,并顺利通过能力倾向测试。He applies for a janitor's job at Microsoft and easily passes an aptitude test.

他记得他的体能测验、笔试及性向测验都拿到高分。Chong remembers passing his physical, written and aptitude tests with high scores.

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以学习到新技能。打怪PK什么的更给力。To study fashionable technical aptitude. Beat strange PK what of more to the dent.

安德鲁当时凭着过人的资质以满分通过了军队的学能测试。Fiercely intelligent, Andrew Wilfahrt scored top marks in the army's aptitude test.

但是施瓦泽指出刻意的练习会胜过天资。But Schwartz argues that deliberate practice will almost always trump natural aptitude.