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我喜欢品德好的、爱家庭是诚实的、温和的人。Iike a man who is love family with fine moral that is honesty, geniality.

与人为善是我最大的特点。我在给饭店写评语时很少用到激烈的言辞。Geniality is my middle name. I rarely write a fierce word about any restaurant.

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重视它的精力吗?有的猫活蹦乱跳,有的则温和迟钝。Three, value of energy?The some cat live to leap disorderly jump, have of geniality muff.

那一个人,是既会从这些榛莽丛杂的山上看到和蔼可亲的面目,那么他的趣味会是怎么一种样子呢?。What could the tastes of that man be who saw friendliness and geniality in these shaggy hills?

他觉得自己像个流放归来的王子,寂寞的心沐浴在真情实爱之间,又含苞欲放了。He felt like a prince returned from excile, and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed.

彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。This Benjy was a young, clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality.

在那儿,他坐在我们的书桌上,一贯温文尔雅地把自己变作我们小小聚会的生命与灵魂。There, with undiminished geniality he would make himself the life and soul of our little gathering, seated on the top of our study table.

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在歌曲中充满真挚与亲切,突出了孩子童稚般的情趣和意境。These songs are full of cordiality and geniality towards children and juveniles evidencing the interests and imaginations of naïve children.

该合成工艺原料易得、反应条件温和、避免了使用毒性较大的氰化物,无严重的环境污染,适合于工业化生产。The conditions of reaction are geniality and cyanide is not used in the reaction. It is friendly to environment which is fit for industrialization.

一个北京男孩、女孩、男人或女人乖僻的体态和慵懒的语气足以呈现当地人文特征和随和的生活品性。The unmistakable poise and leisurely accent of the speech of a Pekinese boy, girl, man, or woman is sufficient evidence of this human culture and geniality of life.

那么,我们把这一类的文化或者跨文化的这种现象运用到我们的汉语教学当中。Well, we use these kinds of cultural or cross-cultural phenomena into our teaching of Chinese, which can well inspire the students' sense of geniality with the Chinese.

马拉嘿艺术团精彩演绎了端庄的弗拉明戈舞蹈、快乐的小丑,并同观众一起沉浸在当代马戏的诗意中。All this does that Malaje has got various starting points, from the purest flamenco severity to the geniality of clowns, passing through moments of pure poetry of contemporary circus.

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我是一个性格率真且善良温和的健康女性,爱好阅读和欣赏艺术,喜欢和朋友一起去旅游,去过很多欧洲国家。I am one character space is frank and docile geniality of health female, a fondness for reads and appreciates an art, like to travel with friend together. Have been to a lot of Europe nations.