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你在告别自己不好的一面,玛雅。You go on with your bad self, Maya.

墨西哥卡拉克穆尔的玛雅古城。The ancient Maya city of Calakmul, Mexico.

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古玛雅人祭拜死神。The ancient Maya worshiped the God of Death.

事件来来去去,是幻相之轮。Events come and go. This is the wheel of maya.

林璎荣获2009年度美国国家艺术奖章。Maya Lin was awarded a 2009 National Medal of Arts.

对于世界末日,玛雅人自己是怎么看的呢?What did the Maya themselves think about End Times?

这是我在马雅渡假村里的池子拍的莲花。I got these Photos of loutas in Maya Roster VIllage.

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但没有任何真实的玛雅传统支持这些说法。There is no genuine Maya tradition behind any of this.

古玛雅人的文字在风格上主要是图画。The ancient Maya writing is largely pictorial in Style.

这个被银河的玛雅人探访的文明是萨满教的。The cultures visited by the Galactic Maya were shamanic.

摩耶想到或答应以请夏美帮助。Maha Maya thought or agreed to please summer beauty help.

它只是隐藏在面纱背后,投射出摩耶的力量。It is only hidden by the veiling and projecting power of maya.

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另一本在1975年出版的书也关注了玛雅历法中的轮回。Another book in 1975 also spotlighted the Maya calendric roundup.

多亏了菲奥娜也多亏了玛雅为我提供了很有说服力的论点。Thanks Fiona and thanks Maya for providing such a powerful quote.

玛雅人用有刻度的衡器来计量时间,这在其他的文明中很少见。The Maya kept time on a scale few other cultures have considered.

玛雅历法的大多数时间间隔以20为倍数。Most of the Maya calendar intervals accumulate as multiples of 20.

很多人认为玛雅人采取的是刀耕火种的农业种植方式。The Maya are thought by many to have used slash-and-burn agriculture.

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圣井中捞出的美洲虎石像。在玛雅文化中,它是力量的象征。Stone jaguar from the well. It was a symbol of power in the Maya world.

那不可破译。玛雅族群,他们在石头上刻下了什么。That cannot be deciphered. Maya tribe, what did they engrave on stones?

我姐姐Maya生于雅加达,后来嫁给一个中加混血儿。My sister Maya was born in Jakarta and later married a Chinese-Canadian.