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并且它们中有很多爆点。And they have plenty to reveal.

这样的说话技巧是“放话”。This way is to reveal the news.

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名字显示你的家世背景。Names reveal who your family is.

至少调查数据所显示的情况如此。At least that's what the data reveal.

让时间去揭露它的奇葩。Time will reveal the calyxes of gold.

现在他们想知道我的家庭地址。Now they want me to reveal my address.

他们要我不要泄露机密。They told me not to reveal the secret.

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我们的反应揭示了什么What do our responses reveal about us?

他们要她不要泄露机密。They told her not to reveal the secret.

他们就开始显露可憎的面目。They began to reveal the face of heinous.

当着他面就露出那些爪子可多笨呀!How foolish to reveal those talons to him.

这一刻,我们所有的心田流露着自豪!This moment, all our Xintian reveal pride!

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要是他们的身份被敌人发现,那是准死无疑。He didn't reveal his identity at that time.

而泄露秘密就会使她终生苦恼。To reveal it would be to embitter her life.

不要给任何人出示你的在线密码。Don't reveal your online Passcode to anyone.

然而,问题是这些墨迹图真的能够揭示这所有的一切吗?However, does the inkblot really reveal all?

吊客就无需来这儿诉他的悲思。Not here the mourner would his grief reveal.

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牧师的启示不能使她重获信心。The priest could not reveal her confidences.

你的眼睛能暴露出你哪些健康问题?What can your eyes reveal about your health?

菲利普说“永远不要透露自己的预算。“Never reveal your budget, ” said Mr. Davis.