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我们立即领取了头盔及头灯,准备下矿洞探险。We immediately got our helmet and headlight and go down the adit.

丹佛科罗拉多大学的研究人员博士艾迪·金德在一份声明中说道。Adit Ginde of the University of Colorado Denver, one of the researchers, said in a statement.

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红叶二级水电站引水隧洞2号支洞下游塌方段处理。Collapse treatment in section of Hongye-2 Hydroelectric Power Station headrace tunnel downstream of adit No.

分析了南芬露天铁矿生产爆破对主运输平硐的影响。The effect of the blasting of production on main transported adit was analyzed at Nanfen Iron Open-pit Mine.

系统运行后,坑道水温度变化实测数据基本验证了预测结果,系统运行效果良好。The measured adit water temperature verifies the predicted results and the system behavior proves desirable.

文中针对万家寨引黄工程输水隧洞及泵站平洞竖井存在的渗漏原因进行分析研究。The seepage cause in the adit and shaft of the third-stage pumping station of the general main line in YRDP is analyzed.

采用人工扩挖旁洞、钢拱架支撑和超前导洞等工程处理措施收到一定成效。Actual measures as manual excavation outside of the shield, steel frame supporting and advanced adit for prediction were adopted.

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结果表明现爆破下平硐是稳定的,规范中给定的岩体极限抗震速度有些保守。The results indicate that the adit is stabile and the value of the given critical antivibration velocity of rock is a little low.

随着兰尖铁矿采场水平逐年下降,爆破震动对平硐的安全影响日益突出。With the progress of the mining operation in Lanjian Iron Ore year on year the effect of blasting vibration on safety of adit is increasing.

文章介绍了越岭隧道的长斜井、深竖井、平导、横洞的设计和施工情况。The paper reviews the design and construction of the long inclined shafts, the deep vertical shaft, the parallel adit and the access adit for the tunnel.

管理水泵的那个人已经上到了入口处,我用头灯照到它工作服的反射条纹,他在暗处赤裸上身坐着,对着对面的墙笑。The pump tender has moved up the adit. I pick up his reflective stripes with my cap lamp. He is sitting shirtless in the dark and smiling at the opposite wall.

当下游水位最低时,尾水管进口真空变化最明显,随着下游水位的上升,尾水管进口真空度逐渐改善。The vacuum degree at tailrace adit varies most significantly at the lowest downstream water level and improves gradually along with the rising of downstream water level.

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平硐溜井技术在紫金山金矿的安全、高效应用,大大地降低了运输成本,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。The application of the adit chute in safety and high efficiency in Zijinshan gold mine greatly reduce the transportation costs, with good economic and social benefits achieved.

在接下来的几周内,我们会安排和执行一个对于贵公司的审核,用于核实贵公司的质量管理系统的运行情况和任何试适用的修改。During the next few weeks, an adit of your organization will be scheduled and performed to verify implementation of your quality management system and any applicable exclusions.

因此,需要对主隧道与横通道交叉部尤其是主隧道与横通道斜交的锐角一侧,给以特别的加强设计以保证结构安全。Therefore, special design is necessary to strengthen the adit and main tunnel intersection part, especially the side of the acute angle of intersection to guarantee the safety of the structure.

利用MAPGIS组件技术,实现了将隧道施工中采集的多源种类数据信息直接生成MAPGIS支持的平硐图形文件,并且能将平硐的图形信息和隧道采集数据进行连接与同时管理的功能。This paper introduces the method for directive generation of adit graphic files with the information from multiple sources acquired during tunnel construction using MAPGIS component technology.