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他有时候也极力为我说情。He had occasionally tried to intercede for me.

当他试着说情时很快被制止了。He was quickly snubbed when he tried to intercede.

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此时太了也在一旁为高大人求情。At this time so it aside for tall people intercede.

因为它找到了一些更有实力的同盟者答应来做调解。She had found powerful allies who promised to intercede.

搞得我似乎要找他领导说情一样,晕!Gaode I seem to intercede to find his leadership, like halo!

神赐给我圣灵是有目的的,祂要在祷告中为我代求。The Holy Spirit is purposely given to intercede for me in prayer.

我了解他。我知道,为乔治说情,就会毁了他的事。I do. I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause.

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由阿根接替队长,强生前去求情放掉猪蛋。By the root to replace the captain, Johnson & Johnson off pig eggs to intercede.

萨迪克趁机当众恳求伊明为自己向乌斯曼求情放了自己的未婚妻。SaDiKe take public pleas YiMing to intercede with usman for myself to put his fiancee.

她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

然而,正如你们所知,我们在高层有朋友,他们会随时为我们出面调解。However, as you know, we have friends in high places, who are ready to intercede on our behalf.

求情信起了作用,心平只判罚社会服务令,不用入狱。Intercede letter may play a role, the heart flat call social services only, need not go to jail.

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行直转移话题,着雷蕾多找一些人士为心平写求情信。Straight line change the subject, the LeiLei to find some more letter to intercede for heart flat.

因为神秘主义者自己从内心深处听到了神的声音,而无需一位牧师来担任中保。Mystics, after all, hear the voice of God from within and don’t need a priest to intercede for them.

圣灵将神自己的心愿吹进我里面,使我能为那些没有基督的人代求。The Holy Spirit breathes God's own desire into me and enables me to intercede for those without Christ.

耶稣基督,世界的救主,有慈悲,有慈悲在祈请您和为我们客气调解的我们。Christ, Saviour of the world, have mercy, have mercy upon us who beseech you and graciously intercede for us.

我们祈求主完全重整这根,并开始祈求一个带著神迹奇事的完全翻转。We asked the Lord to fully REALIGN THE ROOT and began to intercede for a full reversal with signs and wonders.

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我是个导管,让至高的爱流经我,而达成其目的。我要开始为周围的人代求。I am a channel through which the highest love can reach its aim. I will begin to intercede for those around me.

中殿晋见王上为世子求情,并说起被王上疏远的阳明君,遭到斥责。The nave, met the king to intercede with the prince, and alienate Yang monarch king of speaking of is a dressing-down.

王对神人说,请你为我祷告,求耶和华你神的恩典使我的手复原。Then the king said to the man of God, "Intercede with the LORD your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored."