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养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。Good habits, a lifetime ever.

我那时的生活环境就是那样And that's just in my lifetime.

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这是一生中难得的机会。Itss an opportunity of a lifetime.

密码的最小生存期。The minimum lifetime of a password.

就象那春蚕献出一生的忠诚。As spring gave the lifetime loyalty.

为什么人的一生要遭受苦难?Why is a lifetime equates suffering ?

终身免费升级到新版本。Free Lifetime upgrade to new versions.

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学习是一项终生的事业。Learn is the enterprise of a lifetime.

这本书写于霍布斯的生年。It was written during Hobbes' lifetime.

御手洗还支持员工终身雇用制。He also believes in lifetime employment.

习舞是否是一种生命的过程?Learning to dance is a lifetime process?

有的人包一生浓缩在一分钟里过了。Some people live a lifetime in a minute.

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他在有生之年一直建设这些东西。He built all of this during his lifetime.

曾经拥有过就要满足,不会奢求一辈子。Once had to meet, do not want a lifetime.

人生得一知已足以,斯世当以同怀视之。One bosom friend in a lifetime is enough.

对象生命周期管理是基于租期进行的。Object lifetime management is lease-based.

你错过了一生难逢的机会。You let the chance of a lifetime pass by !

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一个人,一场梦,一座空城,一生心疼。A person, a dream, a city, a lifetime love.

我一辈子受够了诽谤。I have had enough obloquy for one lifetime.

真诚友谊,终生难求。Such friendships come rarely in a lifetime.