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人不会天生就是奴隶"Man is not made for servitude."

我猜他们将此看成一种奴役行为。I guess they view it as servitude.

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任何人不应被强迫役使。No one shall be held in servitude.

做卖身的奴工,你考虑吗?Would you consider indentured servitude?

已经发誓忠诚我必须在奴役过程中浪费我的生活吗?。Having sworn fealty , must I speed my life in servitude?

不要让钱去役使你,而是你去役使它。Do not let your money to servitude, but you servitude it.

他因犯了大窃案受过十九年的苦刑。He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.

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而凯列班则选择继续为奴,这个对比所要阐述的“自由”是什么?Caliban elects to remain in servitude. What ideal of "freedom" lies behind this contrast.

这样做可以帮助个别的少女,但却有可能鼓励暴徒,提高了其他女孩子被绑架奴役的风险。It helps individuals but risks creating incentives for other girls to be kidnapped into servitude.

作为“凡人”就有权支配自己的人身,而不受雇主的随意役使。As a "human" have the right to dispose of their own personal, not the employer's free to servitude.

洛基知道他得逃走,要不然就得一生断送在奴役身上,因此就自愿要求要把那茅送到奥丁那儿。Loki knew he had to escape, or be locked into servitude and so offered to deliver the spear to Odin.

多生多世服务他人特别是在宗教领域中服务会经常导致不能接受。Lifetimes of servitude especially in the religious services can often lead to the inability to receive.

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被赫特人奴役前,她在一场大型比赛中为本部落的荣誉而跳舞,并获胜。Prior to her servitude to the Hutt, she danced for the honor of her tribe in a large competition and won.

结果,这个士兵被重责一百大板,并流放边疆罚做苦役。The soldier was beaten one hundred blows, and banished to the frontiers of the Empire in penal servitude.

他就歇菜去见上帝了,你明白,另外两个被送到西伯利亚去做苦力了。that he gave up his soul to God, you understand, and the other two were sent to penal servitude in Siberia.

这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.

回望悠悠历史,似乎芸芸众生皆挣扎于平静的绝望中,其备受奴役的生活不免打上屈辱和极度贫困的烙印。Through most of history, most people lived lives of quiet desperation, humiliating servitude and grinding poverty.

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意识到自己的奴隶地位却又津津乐道地赞美这种地位的奴隶,是奴才、是帮凶、是无耻之徒!A slave ignorant of his servitude and happy to admire his servitude is a flunky , accomplice, and shameless person.

刺配刑是从汉代以来的有关劳役刑发展而来的,在宋代盛行,是当时司法活动中的主要量刑方式。Tattooing the face of a criminal and sending him into exile grew up from the penal servitude torture of HAN Dynasty.

牧师们向光明之龙艾尔拉思宣誓服役,是他在战场上的强大特使。Clerics have sworn their servitude to Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, and are powerful emissaries on the battlefield.