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所有的ITT夜视技术产品使用放大光线。All ITT Night Vision products use light- amplifying technology.

ITT公司夜视系统分部是16毫米管家族的唯一生产商。ITT Night Vision is the only producer of the 16-mm tube family.

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该团队目前正在ITT公司为导航有效载荷的PDR进行改进。The team is now gearing up for a navigation payload PDR at ITT.

根据该合同,ITT公司将为土耳其空军任务系统修改该系统。Under the contract, ITT will modify the system for Turkish Air Force mission systems.

ITT是竞争美军新直升机保护合同的四家公司之一。ITT is one of four companies competing for the Army's new helicopter protection contract.

如松下公司一样,强大的刺激因素会迫使国际电话电报公司经理亲自解决问题。As at Matsushita, there were strong incentives for an ITT manager to come forward on problems himself.

模块化条件下,产业集群竞争优势更主要体现在产业技术轨道的主导权与控制权方面。Under the condition of modulation, the competitive advantage of LICs is reflected in the monopoly and control of ITT.

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国防巨头ITT的大卫梅尔彻称,有一种新的系统可以改善美国和欧洲国家的空中管制系统。David Melcher of defense giant ITT talks about a new system that will upgrade air control systems in the U. S. and Europe.

根据一份来自于陆军的价值2580万美元的合同,ITT公司将帮助精选的伊拉克军事部门扩展其指挥和控制能力。ITT Corp. will help expand the command and control capabilities for select Iraqi military units under a $25.8 million contract with the Army.

根据一项潜在价值估计达1.17亿美元的两年期合同,ITT公司将为美国海军提供无线电通信软件。ITT Corp. will provide radio communications software for the Navy under a two-year contract with a potential estimated value of $117 million.

ITT公司宣布进行一套基于激光的传感器和激光雷达的飞行测试,以监视全球气候变化。WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., 13 June 2008. ITT Corp. announced the flight test of a suite of laser-based sensors and lidars to monitor global climate change.

不过,本文认为在价格贸易条件持续恶化的背景下,通过收入贸易条件和要素贸易条件的改善来获得的贸易利益是不可持续的。But we believe that in the background of deterioration of Terms of trade, through improvement of ITT and FTT to make more trade advantage is uncontinuable.

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产业技术轨道的缺失与低端循环锁定是形成我国地方产业集群内自主创新动力普遍不足和产业升级能力缺乏的关键因素。The lack of ITT and the low cycling deadlock is a key factor responsible for the insufficiency of innovation dynamics and the weak industrial upgrading in China's LICs.

ITT公司表示,由于SINCGARS的信息路由能力,至少在现在仍被称为“美国陆军战术互联网的核心”。Because of its information routing capabilities, SINCGARS, at least for the moment, is often called the 'heart of the U. S. Army's Tactical Internet, ' ITT officials say.

利用净贸易条件指数和收入贸易条件指数从整体和分类2个层面对中国主要林化产品1992~2005年贸易条件进行分析,对2002~2005年世界主要林化产品地区结构进行分析。This study deals with China's terms of trade in 1992-2005 through NBTT and ITT and world's region structure in 2002-2005 of major forest chemical products in a comparatively systematic way.

ITT公司今日宣布,该公司通信系统部获得一份为期五年的合同,合同由总部位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的空间与海上作战系统司令部签发。ITT Corporation today announced that its Communications Systems business has been awarded a five-year contract by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command headquartered in San Diego, Calif.

国防部本周宣布,根据这份合同,ITT将帮助伊拉克信号排以及情报、监视和侦察排提高指挥和控制能力。Under the contract, ITT will help boost command and control capabilities for Iraqi signal platoons and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance battalions, the Defense Department said this week.