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印尼农村的一个村庄。A village in rural Indonesia.

我们目前过着乡村隐居生活。We are now in rural seclusion.

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家,只存在于乡村。Home exists only in rural areas.

谁是那田园边采茶的姑娘?Who is the rural side picking girl?

清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜.of grand frost in some rural areas.

凯莉梦珀家在阿拉巴马州郊区。Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama.

我相信这是一个农村邮路吉普车。These "are" rural roads, postal Jeep.

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乡下的尼泊尔人的生活场景。Typical scenes of rural Nepalese life.

农村信用社通过专业银行。Rural credit through specialised banks.

佐贺县是个乡下地带,很需要旅游业。Saga is a rural dump that needs tourism.

据官员提供的数据,2008年中国城市居民年平均收入为1.58万元人民币,而农村的平均收入为4700元人民币。The average rural income was 4,700 yuan.

这个州有许多小的乡村学校。The state has many small, rural schools.

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城乡差异依然存在。Urban and rural differences still exist.

农村和城市地区的平等待遇。Equal treatment of rural and urban areas.

农村饮用水质过差引发社会关注。Poor water quality warned in rural areas.

有在农村的,也有在国外的。in rural areas in the country and abroad.

农村生活容易导致地方主义。A rural life often leads to provincialism.

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农村公社高度组织化。The rural communes were highly regimented.

“三农”工作成效显著。"Three rural" achieved remarkable results.

或许在日本的偏远地区,他们会介意。Perhaps in rural areas of Japan they would.