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他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口。He used his sick as a pretext for not going to school.

这就让美英联军寻到了借口。This allows to find a pretext for the US-British coalition.

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他假托喉痛不到校上课。He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool.

他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口。He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school.

做朋友,只是一种自找的借口和慰藉。Friends, is only a pretext for self-inflicted and consolation.

对于这个庸俗伤感的吻,还有谁能找到更好借口吗?Has anyone else ever found a better pretext for a sloppy snog?

维持环境却是在获得利益之后的一个借口。Sustainability is the pretext behind which maximium profit is after.

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有关“淫秽”的法律也可能被用作禁止其他材料的借口。Or the obscenity laws may be used as a pretext to censor other material.

不要借口恢复理智,而在下坡路上滑过了头。One must not push too far in descent under pretext of a return to reason.

西方可能会利用这次选举舞弊作为借口来进行政治调整。The West should use the dodgy election as a pretext for political change.

人类历史上最迅雷不及掩耳势的种族屠杀,因第一次空难而师出有“名”。The first crash served as the pretext for the swiftest genocide in history.

我从课文的前后关系中找到卖纺织品掂一个借口。From the context of the text I find the next pretext for selling the textile.

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她想要说些刻薄的言语,就去找玛丽亚伯爵夫人的岔子。When she wanted to say something spiteful, the pretext was the Countess Marya.

尤其是,借口说您要暴露自己,您其实是在诽谤自己,这真可怕。You do more, under the pretext of unmasking yourself, you calumniate yourself.

日俊指志明有躁郁症,并以此作为借口伤害日华。Jung refers to tzu chi Ming has bipolar disorder, as a pretext to hurt the solar corona.

对知识产权的保护有时被用来作为压制异议的借口。Intellectual property protection has sometimes been used as a pretext to silence dissent.

而现在,我们再也不能以这样的理由为编写出性能糟糕的代码寻求托辞了,当然,我们也不能矫枉过正。Now, don't use this as a pretext to write code that performs lousy, just don't overdo it.

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定时器记数溢出后,产生中断,将P1.0借口取反即得周期方波。Hutchison few overflow timer, interrupt, will take anti-P1.0 pretext that a square wave cycle.

为了矫正这些特质,俄罗斯需要一些借口,而它可以很容易找到、甚至捏造一个“罪名”。The " crime" needed as a pretext to rectify these peculiarities was not hard to find, or invent.

陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.