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他再次举起自己的望远镜。He lifted his spyglass again.

这个小望远镜含有一个透镜。The spyglass contains a lens.

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12月2日美高梅公司获得批准,重组归在望远镜娱乐公司之下。MGM got approval Dec. 2 to reorganize under Spyglass Entertainment.

观看谷歌街景能得到相当于从一架小望远镜里向外看的视觉效果。Swapping to street view is the equivalent of looking through a spyglass.

一个海盗从瞭望台的高处把望远镜对准了地平线。From his spot high in the crow's nest, a pirate trained his spyglass on the horizon.

我们把小船停在第二条河的河口处上岸,然后开始爬望远镜山。We landed the boats at the mouth of the second river , then began to climb Spyglass Hill.

我吃完早点后,乡绅给了我一张纸条,让我给在千里镜酒店的“高个约翰。西尔弗”送去。After I had finished breakfast. the squire gave me a not to take to Long John Siler at the Spyglass Inn.

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我吃完早点后,乡绅给了我一张纸条,让我给在望远镜酒店的“高个约翰·西尔弗”送去。After I had finished breakfast , the squire gave me a note to take to Long John Silver at the Spyglass Inn.

当您安装它,只是看一个字符串,并在眺按钮以弹出实物。After you have it installed, just watch a string, and click on the Spyglass button to bring up the visualizer.

看到这一切,整个世界像一团雾飘离而去―西尔弗、头上的鸟儿、高高的望远镜山。As I watched, the whole world seemed to swim away before me in a mist-Silver, the birds above, the tall Spyglass hill.

太阳还被挡在望远镜山后面。这山一直延伸到海里,形成一面峭壁。The sun was still hidden behind Spyglass Hill , which came down to the sea in dangerous cliffs on this side of the island.

好莱坞传奇米高梅工作室的债权人投票通过由望远镜娱乐公司提出的破产计划。Creditors of Hollywood's legendary MGM studio have voted in favour of a bankruptcy plan offered by US firm Spyglass Entertainment.

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假如苔丝嫁给了一个名流而变得富有了,她会不会有足够多的钱买一架大看远镜,大得能够把星星拉到跟前来,就跟荨麻越一样近?If Tess were made rich by marrying a gentleman, would she have money enough to buy a spyglass so large that it would draw the stars as near to her as Nettlecombe-Tout?

四百年前,当伽利略将自制的天文望远镜对向夜空时,他发现了木星的四个卫星,从而证实其它行星也会有自己的卫星。Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter’s moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.

400年前,伽利略将他自制的小望远镜对准星空,发现了木星的四颗卫星,我们这才知道其他行星也有自己的卫星。Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter’s moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.