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那是一首老歌。That's an oldie.

这张唱片真是老古董了。This record is a real oldie.

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一个老笑话、仍然是个疑团。An oldie , but still a puzzlement.

没人让位给那位老人坐。No people gave the seat to the oldie.

我穿的这件衬衫已经旧了。E. g. The shirt I'm wearing is an oldie.

是一首披头四脍炙人口的老歌。Let It Be" is one golden oldie from the Beatles."

我们将在电影节期间展映13部经典老片。During the festival, we'll be showing 13 classic oldie films.

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她想让我见个被毒死的老家伙的家人。She wants me to meet one of those poisoned oldie 's families.

这首老哥在20世纪初是最受欢迎的歌曲之一。The oldie was one of the most famous songs at the beginning of the 20th century.

这就像他们的经典老歌……我只是觉得它不会再有什么杀伤力了。Its sort of their golden oldie . . . I just don’t think that dog will hunt anymore.

性能数字表明这首过时的歌曲仍然可以挂起了一些最好从今天开始。Performance figures suggest this golden oldie can still hang out with some of the best from today.

片子有点老,但非常好看。运动场上的打斗情节是所有动作电影中最好的。An oldie but a goodie, the fight in the playground is still one of the best fights ever put to film.

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首先,我们需要一种方法来找到竞争对手。这显然可以通过浏览流量来源。发现子公司的另一种方法是使用一个老掉牙但好用的桥段。First, we need a way to find competitors. This can be done by browsing traffic sources obviously. Another way to find affiliates is to use an oldie but goodie.