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“石弩”的制造时间从48减少到36。Ballista build time reduced from 48 to 36.

加列战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults.

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加列w战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。War Galleys are larger than nformal galleys. Equ epped with ballista or catapults.

龙首战舰通常用弩炮发射抓钩强行与敌船靠拢,然后展开接舷恶战。These boats carry ballista for firing grappling hooks to pull enemy ships into contact, enabling boarding actions.

格伍夫为泰塔利亚带来了驽车,那是他攻陷克鲁罗德边境上的一个强盗据点获得的战利品。Gerwulf brought the first Ballista to Tatalia, having captured it in a siege against a barbarian stronghold on the border of Krewlod.

从古罗马的搬石机到现代的摩托罗拉手机,人类依靠机械取得成功并且改变着人类的生活方式。From the Romans' ballista to Motorola's cell phone, humans have relied upon machines to enhance the success and lifestyle of their society.

弩炮在工坊内进行装配,弩炮部队训练却必须于城外进行,因为唯有那里方可提供足够开阔场所以供部队进行射击训练。Though the ballista are assembled here, their crews are trained outside of the city walls – The only safe place to master the use of such equipment.

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城墙顶端修建箭塔可当敌军攻击时予以密集杀伤,极大提高城邑防御能力。Constructing Ballista Towers atop settlement walls allows a defending force to shower any attackers with iron bolts, a sensible improvement for almost any siege scenario.

即便最基本的攻城弩炮亦需专门工坊方可制作其大型弩弓,以提供远程发射威力。Even with the most basic of all siege weapons, the ballista , a specialist workshop is required to produce the great euthytones, the oversized wooden bows that give the ballista their power.

罗马投石机使用绞扭力发射,以两束粗大绞索将强力弹臂之两端绞至并拢,然后弹射投掷物。The Roman ballista was powered by torsion derived from two thick skeins of twisted cords through which were thrust two separate arms joined at their ends by the cord that propelled the missile.