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你也可以大杯地喝。You can drink them by the flagon.

要我说嘛,这个酒壶就挺好的。In my opinion, this flagon is just excellent.

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它就是一壶酒刚好倒满八只酒杯。The flagon contains precisely eight cups of wine.

“她就好,”提利昂说,“我还要一壶酒,红酒配红肉。”"She'll do, " said Tyrion, "and I'll have a flagon too. Red wine with red flesh.

酒壶摔的粉碎的同时,他就头撞地面。The flagon shattered underneath him as the floor came up to smack him in the head.

布莱克松走过去从密橱里拿出个水罐,扶着上校喂了他点水。Blackthorne took a water flagon out of a secret drawer and helped him drink a little.

他用大肚壶为他们俩倒了黑莓酒,这酒是在太甜以至于比起蜜蜂招来更多苍蝇。He poured for them from a flagon of blackberry wine so sweet that it drew more flies than honey.

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她不解的看着他,直到她拿走她手里的酒壶将她的裙子掀过头顶。She looked at him uncomprehending, until he took the flagon from her hands and lifted her skirts up over her head.

当他灌完后他扔开空酒壶蹒跚蜷曲地爬到地上,摸索着尿壶。When he was done he tossed the empty flagon aside and half-rolled and half-staggered to the floor, groping for a chamber pot.

我能邀请您,和我来一下午的灵魂之旅么?,而后在那边的虚拟客栈畅饮几杯?恩,好吧,没什么不好的?。Can I interest you in an afternoon of spirited questing followed by a flagon of ale at Yon Virtual Tavern?Yeah, sure, why not?

并且分给以色列人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.

如果客人信任他的主人,然而,他只会抓他的flagon攻击他的主人是当他的主人给他的杯子的样品。If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his flagon against that of his host's when his host offered his cup for the sample.

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并且分给以色列众人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。And he dealt among all the people, even among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.

琼恩拿起床边的水壶,倒满了一脸盆水,洗手洗脸,接着穿上一套干净的黑色毛衣,外面束好一件黑色的无袖皮短上衣,最后套上一双旧靴子。Jon filled his basin from the flagon of water beside his bed, washed his face and hands, donned a clean set of black woolens , laced up a black leather jerkin, and pulled on a pair of well-worn boots.