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我们睡觉的时候,身体会释放生长激素或者人体生长激素。When we sleep, growth hormone, or HGH. is released into our bodies.

滑动面均有润滑装置确保滑动面的使用寿命。All sliding surfaces with lubrication device, ensuring hgh service life.

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自此全部综合生产生长激素生长激素是从尸体已不再使用。Since then all HGH is synthetically produced and HGH from cadavers is no longer in use.

人类生长荷尔蒙也带来了身体的整体成长,高度不那么多,但尺寸却会增加不少。HGH also brings forth an overall growth of the form, not so much in height, but in size.

我已经使用了常青国际顺势集团的产品好多年了,所以,现在我的身体情况下比好多年长的人都要好。I have been taking Renewal HGH for years now and my health is better then that of most seniors.

奥林匹克运动会官员们越来越担心有影响的运动员可能会铤而走险,利用生长激素提高自己的成绩。Olympic officials are increasingly concerned about the possible use of HGH amongst high-profile athletes.

人体生长激素能促进身体健康成长,细胞修复和再生,这对肌肉的发育是非常有必要的。HGH stimulates healthy growth, cell repair and the regeneration which is necessary for muscle development.

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HGH只有夜间睡眠时分泌,尤其是在入睡90分钟以后分泌量最旺盛。HGH has secrete of nightly Morpheus time only, the amount is secreted after falling asleep 90 minutes especially the most exuberant.

结果显示,注射人体生长素能够提高运动员的短跑能力,但是却不会影响他们的举重或跳远能力。Results showed that HGH injections increased the athlete’s ability to sprint but had no affect on their ability to lift weights or jump.

当使用HGH时,身体各部分开始提高其活动能力,调动全身各项功能的回复,进行自我治疗。After HGH application, the human body begins to improve its capacity of action and arouse the response of various functions for self remedy.

使用了常青HGH后,的的脸容开始有了起色,细纹也不那么明显了,也变得更有吸引力了,我的皮肤也看起来更细柔、更有光彩了。With Renewal HGH my face started to fill out again, lines were no longer as noticeable, and most intriguingly , my skin took on a more supple, youthful glow.

生长激素是身体自然产生的,许多运动方面发生的丑闻都是因为运动员用人造的人体生长激素来塑造他们的身体。Growth hormone is naturally produced by the body and many athletic scandals have occurred because athletes were building their bodies with the use of artificial HGH.

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在去年十一月,维甘橄榄球队队员特里.牛顿成为第一个人体生长激素测试呈阳性的职业球员,他也因此受到两年自动禁赛的处罚。In November last year the Wigan rugby league player Terry Newton became the first professional sportsman to test positive for HGH and received an automatic two-year ban.

当生长激素捏造跌幅在中年时它可导致疲劳增强脂肪存款因降低新陈代谢过程中总缺乏能源和肌肉放在眼里。When HGH fabrication decreases in middle age it can result in exhaustion augmented fat deposits resulting from lowered metabolic process and total lack of energy and muscle impuissance.