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科学解决这些分歧有助于结合犯理论研究的深化。To solve the above problem helps complete the theory of combinative offence.

在时空的结合点上,真实的生命体闪烁出永恒的力量。On spatiotemporal combinative place, true life style twinkles the power that gives eternity.

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进攻联防是篮球比赛中经常使用的战术,也是较难掌握和驾驭的战术。Combinative defense of offence is much used in basketball games and difficult to master and control.

下面结合裁判工作,谈一谈篮球裁判员应具备的主要心理素质。Below combinative assize work, talk the main mental state character that basketball umpire should have.

TLC和HPLC证明何首乌毛状根中含有大黄索和大黄酸成分且均以游离和结合两种形式存在。TLC and HPLC proved that emodin and rhein were existed in the hairy root with free and combinative forms.

大地构造位置处于哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块和塔里木-华北板块的结合部位。Considered with geotectonic view, it's the combinative region of Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate and Tarim Plate.

结论氟哌啶醇与吗啡合用后可产生明显的协同镇痛作用。Conclusion The combinative administration of morphine and haloperidol has significant synergistic action of analgesic.

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这种听写的过程实际上是测试学生和监测教学效果相结合的过程。In fact, the process of diversified dictation is a combinative process of testing students with teaching effect being tested.

另外膜-基界面结构及能量除直接影响膜-基结合强度外,对薄膜本身的性能也有一定影响。The structure and energy of film-substrate interface affect not only its combinative strength but also the capability of the film.

结果表明,将OLAP和数据深层挖掘技术紧密配合、协调使用将是数据挖掘发展的一个方向和趋势。The results show that the combinative method of OLAP and deep-seated mining technologies will be a trend of data mining development.

研究了用高品位铝土矿代替氢氧化铝合成铝酸钡的制备方法及合成机理。The barium aluminate's combinative ways and combinative mechanism with high grade bauxite instead of aluminium hydroxid is investigated.

主要研究了用高品位铝土矿代替氢氧化铝合成铝酸钡的制备方法及合成机理。The barium aluminate's combinative ways and combinative mechanism with high grade bauxite instead of aluminium hydroxide is investigated.

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结果氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍注射可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results The combinative administration of Dolantin in subthreshold dose and haloperidol can significantly raise the pain threshold of mise.

本文主要是对技术创新战略导向下基于财务业绩与创新行为综合标准的组合激励模式进行研究。The combinative incentive is analyzed by the reconciliation of outcome and behavior-based incentive schemes based on technology innovation.

不作为是行为的一种特殊方式,与作为具有一种相反同时又是结合与竞合关系。As a specific kind of actions, the relationship between nonfeasance and feasance is opposite as well as combinative, or opposite and combinative.

预应力混凝土刚构连续梁桥是在预应力混凝土连续梁和T型刚构基础上发展起来的一种新型连续梁结构。The combinative bridge with rigid frame and single-ribbed tied arch is a new kind of bridge structures, and its stability problem is more serious.

在企业管理现代化和信息化过程中,计算机技术和管理科学在纵深层次上相结合。In the course of enterprise management and information technology application, computer technology and management science are combinative in depth level.

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这是结合中药、穴位及电流物理作用创建和发展起来的一种独特疗法。This is a kind of when combinative Chinese traditional medicine, point and voltaic physics action are founded and development rises distinctive therapeutics.

在理论分析的基础上,就冷藏柜用半导体制冷器的热管散热器、吸热器的结构形式进行了改型设计,研制出了多片组合式半导体制冷器。Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper gives the new design form of heat pipe and absorb set . A combinative semiconductor cooler with two pieces is made.

观察晶体混浊形态、部位与程度,晶状体核的颜色,结合病史确定白内障的性质。Observation crystal is muddy configuration, place and degree, the color of crystalline lens nucleus, combinative medical history defines the quality of cataract.