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很容易把涉及的问题看得太简单。It's easy to oversimplify the issues involved.

但是通过电脑孩子们只能学会如何简化生活。But through computer, children can only learn how to oversimplify the life.

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这一点很简单,但有时候也容易被看得太过简单,因为人们毕竟还是付了钱的。This one is simple, and also easy to oversimplify since people still have to get paid.

下面我会详细解释每个概念,但最好首先对这些概念进行一些简化。I'll dive into each of these concepts in more detail as I go, but first, it's best to oversimplify.

我深信如果我们将目前的形势夸大或魔鬼化,或过分简单化抑或过分强调,我们就输了。I am convinced that whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose.

因为我想说的是,我们现在是把语言的基本单位简单化了。By the way, in what I'm saying, I oversimplify by supposing that the basic unit of language is a word.

会议只能给与会人员带来艰难的局面,并且会导致人们把问题看得过于简单化。Meetings can make it difficult for everyone to participate and can lead people to oversimplify problems.

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为了达到高度简化,IETF制定了SIP及有关的姐妹协议,因为他们相信H.323协议扩缩方面不太好。To oversimplify , the IETF created SIP and its brethren protocols because of a belief that H. 323 would not scale well.

是否有可能因为电子商务销售商为了寻求高收进,惧怕吓跑客户而过火简化了安全办法?Could it be that thee-commerce sellers, in their rush for higher income, oversimplify security so as not to discourage buyers?

它是快节奏和资料来源丰富的,而且从1967年的六日战争之前一直讲到现在,因此也经常过于简单化。It is fast-paced and well-sourced but runs right from before the six-day war of 1967 to the present, and so has often to oversimplify.

分类带来的问题是,例如正确或者错误都是它的约束和过于简单化。事实上并不适合这样一个简洁的打包。The problem with categories like right or wrong is that they constrain and oversimplify – reality rarely fits into such a neat package.

是的,这过于简化了电子邮件地址的结构,可能会排除某些有效的电子邮件地址,但它作为示例已经足够了。Yes, this does oversimplify an e-mail address structure and probably would reject certain valid e-mail addresses, but as an example it's sufficient.

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但这些研究范式也存在着僵化、简单化、不协调、不均衡等问题,而且毒品犯罪的刑事政策、社会政策研究的空白亟待填补。However, there are ossified, oversimplify , un-harmonious, unbalanced questions. The research blanks of criminal policy and society policy on drugs crime should be filled right now.

因现行刑法对工程重大安全事故罪的犯罪构成规定过于概括,因此有必要从理论和实践的角度对工程重大安全事故罪进行探讨。It's oversimplify for the criminal constitution of the crime of a serious accident of a project defined in Criminal Law, so there are necessity to inquire it in theory and practice.

新闻机构应极其谨慎地确保标题、引题、声音节选或引语等不仅准确,而且不使事实因此而被简单化或形成断章取义的后果。News organizations should take great care to assure that headlines, teasers, sound bites, or quotations are not only accurate but do not oversimplify the facts or take them out of context.