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现在我们有了另外的工具可以使我们用来对过去发生过的事情作更好地再认识和重新解释。Now we have other tools we can use to better recreate or reinterpret the past.

因此,圣灵的任务便是代替上主重新诠释你的真相。It is therefore the task of the Holy Spirit to reinterpret you on behalf of God.

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小金伯利•李预感到设计师们会在他们的设计款式中演绎相似款的袖子。Ms. Lee Minor suspects that designers will reinterpret similar sleeves for their lines.

解决罗马多余的仪式唯一合理的方法是重新解释圣礼的本质。The only way to legitimately resolve Roman excess was to reinterpret the nature of the sacraments.

现在是时候做同样的动画,这是时间来重新诠释和扩大原有的原则。It is time to do the same with animation, it is time to reinterpret and expand the original principles.

作者认为,应对马克思人的本质理论进行重新解读与探讨。The authors of this article think that, we must reinterpret and discuss Marxist theory on human nature.

小金伯利•李预感到设计师们会在他们的设计款式中演绎相似款的袖子。Ms. Lee Minor suspects that designers will reinterpret similar sleeves for their lines. On that count, Mrs.

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我觉得重新阐释老故事是件很正常的事,甚至是非常古老的故事,因为他们仍然在述说着人性,特别当有新呈现出来的深刻而中肯的某样东西的时侯。I think it is fair game to reinterpret old stories, really old stories even, as they still inform our humanity.

用各种各样的扮饰抒发不同的春秋,扮饰品、粉刷、瓷器,从头诠释的细微迹象。A mix of decorative expressions of different ages, decoration, stucco and porcelain, suggestions to reinterpret.

另一方面,我们既然已在梦中,我们可以选择在圣灵的引领下重新诠释一切。On the other hand, now that we are having this dream, we can choose to reinterpret it with the Holy Spirit as our Guide.

本篇论文梳理了前人对该剧所做的研究,并在此基础上试图从现代性的角度来重新阐释作品的内涵。This thesis reviews former studies on this play, and attempts to reinterpret this play from the perspective of modernity.

为了填补这一交流上的隔阂,他们努力将上帝的概念以现代哲学术语重新解释。To bridge this communications gap, they have tried to reinterpret the concept of God into contemporary philosophical terms.

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后革命时代的来临使文学得以重新叙述抗战,努力营造截然不同的抗战图景。With the coming of the post-revolutionary epoch, literature can reinterpret this war and present a quite different picture.

还有影片重新诠释了家庭的意义,聚焦年轻人肩上越来越沉重的责任。There are also stories that reinterpret the meaning of family and emphasize the weight increasingly placed on young shoulders.

圣灵会帮助你重新诠释你所害怕的一切,并且教你看出,唯有充满爱心的才是真实的。The Holy Spirit will help you reinterpret everything that you perceive as fearful, and teach you that only what is loving is true.

如今我们再从这西方人的瞳孔里解读百年前的中国,就像看一段清末的“东洋景”。If we now try to reinterpret the same view of the China one hundred years ago, it is like reading a paragraph of humiliating history.

部分发行商表示,希望司法部重新解释反托拉斯法,以鼓励报纸并购及合资。Some publishers want the Justice Department to reinterpret the law in a way that would encourage newspaper mergers or joint ventures.

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我们从信贷配给的角度对货币传导的信贷渠道以及货币政策的性质进行了重新认识。We reinterpret the credit channel of monetary transmission and the nature of monetary policy from the perspective of credit rationing.

历史上的复古风格起源于文艺复兴时期,如帕拉迪奥设计的别墅重新诠释了重新发现的罗马建筑风格。Historical revivalism was born in the Renaissance, and Palladio's Villas reinterpret the rediscovered principles of Roman architecture.

乔氏内在论的自然主义语言观和研究方法表明他的语义观是建立在内在论基础之上的。The present article attempts to reinterpret out his basic ideas and views of meaning and implications in the study of meaning in language.