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放下千斤斧,快去勤植树!Put one thousand jins axe, go often plant trees!

一个月后,每匹马各瘦了二十斤。After a month, every horse each became thin 20 jins.

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阿凡提把猫放到天平上,猫重3斤。Afandi puts the cat to balance, the cat weighs 3 jins.

“黑皮”暂时在表妹和相好的金莉莉家避难。Black temporarily at cousin and good li-li jins asylum.

怎样才能在一周内让我瘦下来5斤啊?How does ability make me thin come down inside a week 5 jins ah?

千斤重担人人挑,个个头上有指标。One thousand jins weight, everyone all have indexes on the head.

罗进的上司给了他一份杜荣林的岳父的资料,及他现在的一些情况。Luo Jins boss gave him a Du Ronglin father-in-law, and he is now.

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秋瑾死前没有供词是秋瑾冤案的一个焦点。Having no confession is a focus of Qiu Jins unjust case before her death.

几天过去,楚楚胖了几斤,而晓燕则瘦了几斤。In the past few days, more fat a little weight, and xiaoyan, a few jins thin.

怎么听八福晋有喜了就不高兴了呢?How to hear to eight congratulating Jins in an interesting condition not happy?

一次减1-3斤比比皆是,因此减肥效果是有绝对把握的!A minus 1-3 jins everywhere, so the effect reducing weight is have absolute confidence of!

详细我昨天去了超市,买了两把香蕉,两斤苹果,一斤梨。Yesterday I went to the supermarket and buy two bananas, two jins of apple, a catty of pears.

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当时舅舅来家做客带来几斤猪肉,妈妈把它炖的香喷喷的!When uncle to bring a few jins sometime in the pork, the mother of the savory stew it! ! ! ! !

狗子无聊且无赖,家中5斤绿豆生了虫,几乎每个豆上都有孔。Gouzi was boring and rogue, the home 5 jins of mungbean begot worm, almost every bean have holes.

觉慧形象有巴金青少年时期的影子,但又是广阔社会生活的概括。The image of Jue-hui is a reflection of Ba Jins youth as well as the condensation of wide social life.

香港一些新闻报导将金人庆辞职同一起性丑闻或者有疑问的交易联系起来。Some press reports in Hong Kong have linked Jins resignation to a sex scandal or questionable dealings.

我昨天去了超市,买了两把香蕉,两斤苹果,一斤梨。非常开心。Yesterday I went to the supermarket and buy two bananas, two jins of apple, a catty of pears. Very happy.

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个头均匀,平均单瓜重500克左右,采收集中,前期产量高,耐运输,亩产6000斤左右。Size uniformity, the average weight of 500 grams, harvest, high yield, concentration, per 6000 jins resistance.

舒曼想念牛牛心切,不当心招致本人早产,生下缺乏3斤的早产儿虎子。Schumann miss niuniu need not be careful, gave birth to premature incurred I lack of 3 jins premature dive below.

两老进了饭店,坐下,就是三斤羊肉四碗大面外加五十个馒头。Two old into the hotel, sit down, that the three jins mutton four bowls of bedding face plus fifty steamed bread.