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格雷伯克满意地哼了一声。Greyback gave a grunt of pleasure.

他咕噜着把沉重的提箱拎了起来。He lifted the heavy suitcase with a grunt.

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今天,一个团子或者GI可能会被称为咕噜。Today, a doughboy or GI may be called a grunt.

说出来,不要嘟哝或者嘴里“哼”一声然后就背过身。Say something -- don't grunt or "hmph" and roll over.

我想是没有人愿意去做打杂的初级程序员的。Nobody wanted to be a grunt junior programmer, I guess.

嘶哑的哼声和叫声是中毒的特征。The hoarse grunt or squeal is characteristic of toxicity.

我们赶时间,只能吃一道快速的火腿蛋。We're in a hurry so we Can only have a quick cluck and grunt.

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有谁还肯去做牛做马,背负着重担,在烦劳生活的压迫下呻吟和。Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life.

达到加勒比再到巴西水域中的黑黄色石鲈。Black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil.

谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗。Who would these fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life.

你知道咆哮叫喊的鬣狗最出名的是什么吗?Spotted hyenas grunt and growl. But you know what they're famous for.

我喜欢女子网球选手击球时发出哼声。I like the way female tennis players grunt everytime they hit the ball.

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加略特也会有这样的工作,例如泵出凝结物。Garriott will be tasked with similar grunt work, like pumping out condensation.

但是,直到国际网球联合会的规则改变,否则就应该由裁判判定喊叫声是否太过分。But until the ITF rules, it’s up to the umpire to decide if a grunt goes too far.

是为你开的庆生会,你可不期望去做费力不讨好的活儿吧。If it's your birthday celebration, you shouldn't be expected to do the grunt work.

如果是为你开的庆生会,你可不期望自己去做费力不讨好的活儿吧。If it’s your birthday celebration, you shouldn’t be expected to do the grunt work.

如果是为你开的庆生会,你可不期望自己去做费力不讨好的活儿吧。If it’s your birthday celebration, you shouldn’t be expected to do the grunt work.

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无论你被捆绑到什么程度,一般情况下你都可以发出某种声音,比如咕哝。No matter how bound up you are you can usually make some sort of noise, like a grunt.

她发出一声奇怪的叫声,和他感觉舒坦时的叫声不大一样。She gave a peculiar grunt. It was not like those grunts she gives when she is comfortable.

你们这群笨猪,不写完不许睡啊,我可要先呼噜了,嘿嘿!You stupid pigs, don't sleep until finishing writing, I'll look for my grunt first, Heh heh!