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那些日子里,他是一个无精打采的穷困的退学生。In those days he was a feckless and poverty-stricken young drop-out.

鸠山由纪夫一事无成,他于6月2日宣布辞职,在任共259天。The feckless Yukio Hatoyama, who stepped down on June 2nd, managed a grand total of 259 days.

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尽管共和党试图将他们描述成有缺陷或者不愿工作的懒人,但通常情况并不如此。Despite Republican attempts to paint them as feckless or job-shy, they are usually anything but.

苏珊的怪物伙伴都是外强中亁,在处理手头上的工作时都无能。Susan's fellow monsters have a feckless charm, but they'reall but useless in approaching the job at hand.

他欣赏语句朴实的适合,对于一些无用的语言或者思想的修饰感到厌恶。He was a great admirer of the poetry of plain speech. He despised mere feckless adornments of language or thought.

由于银行家贪婪及政府监管不力,西方国家陷入深度衰退,但中国几乎毫发未损。Whereas the West suffered a deep recession because of reckless bankers and feckless regulators, China escaped with barely a scratch.

在伍斯特、布里斯托尔、北威尔士的商店里也“爆发”出阵阵古典音乐,对付玩世不恭的小青年。Shops in Worcester, Bristol, and North Wales have also taken to "firing out" bursts of classical music to ward of feckless youngsters.

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四分之三的德国人反对欧洲金融市场稳定基金的最近一次扩张,他们认为这种做法等于是把能力强的国家的钱瓜给了软弱无能的国家。Three-quarters of Germans opposed the last expansion of the EFSF, which they see as a transfer of money from virtuous countries to feckless ones.

在帕蒂的故事里,总是由沃尔特来管教孩子,就好像帕蒂只不过是个不相关的旁观者,难道说她这个妈妈的责任就是要表现得可爱,这些赛斯注意到了吗?Had Seth noticed how, in Patty’s stories, the discipline always came from Walter, as if Patty were just some feckless bystander whose job was to be cute?

常争吵和无能的国民议会通过了一项决议一致通过全力支持认捐奥尔特加在尼加拉瓜遗产辩护。The normally quarrelsome and feckless National Assembly passed a unanimous resolution pledging full support for Ortega in defense of Nicaraguan patrimony.

从不负责任的父亲到少女妈妈再到所谓的野孩子,媒体好像从报道“底层阶级”的生活中得到了那种窥探别人隐私后的快感。FROM feckless fathers and teenaged mothers to so-called feral kids, the media seems to take a voyeuristic pleasure in documenting the lives of the "underclass".

他们指责欧巴马靠社会福利和其他回馈去换取穷人的选票,而这些要靠大量债务得以运行,以致美国在这方面仰人鼻息。They accuse Mr Obama of buying the votes of the feckless poor with welfare and other gifts, running up debts that leave America at the mercy of foreign creditors.

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默克尔担忧德国纳税人会抵制为保全咎由自取的银行,援助软弱无能的地中海国家开出更大金额的支票。Frau Merkel is further cramped by anxiety that German taxpayers will revolt against writing even larger cheques to bail out reckless bankers and feckless Club Med nations.

或许对这一基地已彻底放弃希望,明显不愿与吉尔吉斯斯坦的警察和军队有所牵连,在他们看来,吉尔吉斯斯坦的警察和军队最多不过是太软弱。They may have given up hope for the base, but they are clearly not interested in getting involved with Kyrgyzstan’s police and military, whom they seem to regard as feckless at best.

因为如果西方国家不在波斯尼亚采取行动,那么作为旨在冷战后能够有效的维护地区安全的组织,北约和欧盟的作用都将被弱化。As in Bosnia, if the West did not act, then both NATO and the European Union would appear feckless and thus diminished as security institutions with a valid role in the post-Cold War era.

默多克在两个多小时的时间中保持着他的谦卑姿态,向议员们解释了由于自己在公司中的地位太高又太忙碌,从而无法了解他不负责任的下属的行为。Having established his humility, Mr Murdoch then spent more than two hours telling the MPs that he was—in essence—much too important and busy to have known what his feckless underlings were up to.

在这些爱开玩笑的人中有236位共和党成员,他们玩起了政治敲诈,而82位软弱的民主党成员苦恼于共和党人会把勇敢的投票转演变丑恶的广告宣传。Among the jokesters were 236 Republicans playing the politics of extortion, and 82 feckless Democrats who fret that Republicans could transform a courageous vote into a foul-smelling advertisement.

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但塔利班在阿富汗叛军活动仍旧频繁,而西方在喀布尔扶持起来的那个软弱无能的阿富汗政权,是否能在2014年北约​​的辙军计划后生存下来,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。But the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan smoulders on, and it remains an open question how long the feckless administration the West props up in Kabul will survive NATO's planned departure in 2014.

但塔利班在阿富汗叛军活动仍旧频繁,而西方在喀布尔扶持起来的那个软弱无能的阿富汗政权,是否能在2014年北约​​的辙军计划后生存下来,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。But the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan smoulders on, and it remains an open question how long the feckless administration the West props up in Kabul will survive NATO’s planned departure in 2014.

许多人喜欢一生中做一件工作,他们认为经常换工作的人软弱无能,他们相信成功的唯一途径就是坚持一项工作,因为在一个专业领域里不断的实践有助于专家的形成。They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.