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你看见那个和你不同种族,被阉割的人了吗?Philip, you see that sexually altered, racially different person?

就种族而言,穆斯林是美国最多元化的群体。Muslims also are the most racially diverse group in the United States.

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一个网站更补充说特里曾经在2004年用含有种族歧视的语言中伤过艾托奥。One site added that John Terry had racially insulted Samuel Eto'o in 2004.

亨伯赛德郡警方后来发现一个含有种族煽动内容的网站。Humberside Police later found a website featuring racially inflammatory material.

就业机会在他所在的种族隔离区确实有限。Employment opportunities are limited in the man's racially segregated neighborhood.

他们还表示,现在很难界定什么是种族性或文化性冒犯。They also said it was too difficult to define what was racially or culturally offensive.

另一项研究表明受种族歧视的学生这种表现更加明显。A third study showed this effect was particularly apparent among more racially prejudiced students.

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他们都是有钱人小孩,环境适应力强,属于同一种族,他们被分到不同的小木屋里。These were well-adjusted, pretty rich kids, racially homogeneous, and they were put into separate cabins.

外来者是指那些来自平原的非蒙古人种,甚至其他部落和其他邦的人也会受到种族主义漫骂。I mean people from plains who doesnt look mongoloids, even from other tribes and states were racially abused.

事实上,Zille女生称民联现已是南非种族最杂的党派,或许说得不错。Indeed, Ms Zille is probably right when she says that the DA is now the country's most racially diverse party.

科索还说,丹泽尔?华盛顿演过很多反映种族问题的电影,而美国多数黑人都是民主党人。Corso added that that a lot of Washington's movies are racially -charged and most African-Americans are Democrats.

在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter, but an appellate court overturned the convictions.

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如果犯罪被发现有种族或宗教动机的酷刑殴打,那么这一法律也适用。If the crime is found to be racially or religiously- motivated torture-assault, then the bias-crime laws also apply.

然而,编写并认可该条款有广泛的枪支法律条款这一观点的人们,其中许多人都是种族歧视者。Yet the men who wrote and ratified that provision had extensive gun laws—and many of them were racially discriminatory.

著名广播电台主持人冬•艾默斯再次为自己对罗格斯大学女子篮球队所做的种族歧视性评论道歉。Radio host Don Imus is again apologizing for racially charged comments he made about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

艾默斯陈述了对罗格斯女子篮球队无情的种族言论后,被开除出电台节目。Imus was fired from his radio show, after making racially insensitive statements about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

雷诺尔德也承认了用头撞人和对一位社区治安员进行种族主义攻击的指控,他将面临牢狱生涯。Reynolds also admitting head-butting and racially abusing a police community support officer. He now fails a jail sentence.

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我的11位大学三年级的同学来自不同的种族和地域,但都属于民主党人。他们之中只有3人反对伊拉克战争。Of my 11 junior-year suite-mates, a racially and geographically diverse group of Democrats, only three opposed the war in Iraq.

政府用校车接送学童,目的是在公立学校里保持种族平衡,特别是在种族隔离的地区。The government is using busing in an attempt to achieve racial balance in public schools, especially in racially segregated areas.

该第二等级混血人士在生理上具有明显的,令人生厌的犹太人种族特征。The person of mixed blood of the second degree has a racially especially undesirable appearance that marks him outwardly as a Jew.