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亚里士多德创建了自己的流派,叫作学园派。Aristotle founded his own school, the lyceum.

但是,正确的科学名称,学园枸杞。However, the correct scientific name is, Lyceum Barbarum.

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1837年,林肯发表该演说,时年二十八岁。Lincoln gave the Lyceum speech in 1837, when he was twenty-eight years old.

但不久我就发现,大学并没有我所想象的那么浪漫。But I soon discovered that college was not quite the romantic lyceum I had imagined.

此外,书院已被证实可有效地对付疲劳的身体。Additionally, lyceum has been shown to be effective in combating fatigue within the body.

我们亚里士多德的著作大多是讲课他在中学的这几年。What we have of Aristotle's writings are mostly lectures he gave at the Lyceum in these years.

他在雅典的学园设坛讲学,对柏拉图和苏格拉底批判的多少有些苛刻。He set up a school at the Lyceum in Athens and taught, criticizing Pluto and Socrates with a certain hardness.

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同时还表明,采用同种提取方法提取出的新疆精河枸杞的多糖得率高于宁夏枸杞。Also the yield of Lyceum polysaccharide from Jinghe extracted with the same method was higher than that of Ningxia Lycium.

生物质废料产能高、成本低,大大有利于校园设施的可持续性发展。It consists of organic waste material of high power and low cost. This notably contributes to Lyceum equipment sustainability.

有些要素发现,在原产水果学园枸杞,其中的关键成分被证明是有效的抗氧化剂。Some essential elements found in the goji fruit are lyceum barbarum which are key ingredients shown to be effective antioxidants.

赫里斯托菲补充说,体育馆和实验联合兰心大戏院预计在学年开始后营运下一步。Christofides added that the experimental joint gymnasium and lyceum was expected to start operating in the academic year after next.

发展到中后期,单一的技艺传承开始向,形成系统理论和法则的“学园”式师徒传承形式发展。In the middle and later time, the systematic theory and rules of master-prentice model appears and "lyceum" model begins to develop.

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亚里士多德学派的,逍遥派的属于或关于亚里士多德的哲学思想或教育方法的,他常在古雅典。Of or relating to the philosophy or teaching methods of Aristotle, who conducted discussions while walking about in the Lyceum of ancient Athens.

无论如何,亚里士多德后来回到雅典,并建立了他自己的学校,和柏拉图的学院打擂台,他称之为,“学园。In any case, Aristotle returned to Athens later on and established a school of his own, a rival to the Platonic Academy " that he called the Lyceum.

无论如何,亚里士多德后来回到雅典,并建立了他自己的学校,和柏拉图的学院打擂台,他称之为,“学园。In any case, Aristotle returned to Athens later on and established a school of his own, a rival to the Platonic Academy " that he called the Lyceum."

在一篇演讲中,他对政治中的情感主义严加斥责,大谈对法律,秩序和冷静的理智的需求。In the Lyceum speech that he delivered as a young man, he attacked emotionalism in politics and talked about the need for law, order and cool reason.

尼古拉斯原本是波兰贵族家庭的一名法语教师,后来到华沙的一所中学教授法语。His father, Nicholas Chopin, was a French tutor to many aristocratic Polish families, later accepting a position as a French teacher at the Warsaw Lyceum.

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好,首先,欢迎大家在这个美丽的夜晚光临兰心大戏院欣赏上海东绛州鼓乐团大型“质朴音乐会”,为什么说质朴呢?Welcome you all to Lyceum Theater to attend tonight's performance by Shanghai Oriental Jiangzhou Drum Theatre. The theme of this concert is called "Simple".

当柏拉图的“学院”着重于数学和几何学的发展时,“学苑”专注于应用方面的科学研究,特别是自然科学。Whereas plato's academy led in the development of mathematics and geometry, the lyceum focuses on applied scientific research, especially in the natural sciences.

如今,位于奥克兰的奥克斯特丹大学作为全球唯一的亚里士多德式学园,从种植、科学、历史等角度研究大麻的方方面面。Oaksterdam University in Oakland is today unique in the world as a sort of Aristotelian lyceum for the study of all aspects—horticultural, scientific, historical—of the weed.