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他有独特的习惯用语。He has a peculiar idiom.

他的口音很特别。He has a peculiar accent.

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没有想到你说这种怪话!What a peculiar thing to say!

她聪颖灵透、大胆抗争、招式独特。She is clever, bold and peculiar.

一种特殊的情感传遍费利克斯全身。A peculiar feeling came over Feliks.

是现代一种奇特的电影形式吗?Is it a peculiar form of modern movie?

而且不只是西方人。And it's not just peculiar to the West.

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它的结构非常特异。It is very peculiar in its construction.

毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi.

梁氏小品文具有独特的艺术风格。Liang's essay has a peculiar style of art.

入这一泓奇异的瓦斯之中,真是小题大作into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.

比这古怪一半的事我都没听说过。I never heard of anything half so peculiar.

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这个酒吧为同性恋提供了一个特殊的场所。The bar provides a peculiar place for gays.

但什么是这种罕见的能力的原因呢?But what accounts for this peculiar faculty?

它的组成也是非常的奇特。The ingredients of Iapetus are also peculiar.

我花了一便士让人把这支奇特的钢笔翻开了。With one penny Ihad this peculiar pen opened.

酒和幸福有着纠缠不清的关系。Alcohol has a peculiar relationship to happiness.

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我从一个独特的角度观察了所有这些事件的展开。I saw all this unfold from a peculiar perspective.

现在,你可以看到另一种特别的东西。Now, you'll see this other kind of peculiar thing.

为什么要用这种特殊的方式衡量一个角呢Why do you like to measure angle in the peculiar way?