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他已经两天不吃不喝了。He has been without bite or sup for two days.

第一次浆板&跑步参赛者!The first ever SUP & Run Biathlon constestants!

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此后,这个57岁的人现在是如何让自己同魔鬼共进晚餐的呢?How, then, does the 57-year-old bring himself to now sup with the devil?

假如我以后能够更好的掌握命令行的使用方式的话,我就将最终使用Sup。I may eventually use Sup once I get a better command of the command line.

“反正我本来也要去,”弗朗兹说谎道,“去买一点皮材。”"I need to go anyway, " Franz lied, "to pick up some leather sup plies. "

既节省了时间,又有效减少饮食不规律导致胃病的发生。It save time and availability to avoid tummy bug because of not disciplinarian bite and sup.

今天我们和几个来自俄罗斯的朋友和一个北京的朋友参加了桨板及长板冲浪课程。Today we had an SUP lesson with a couple from Russia and a surf lesson from a traveler from Beijing.

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根据这些假设阿达莫声称血型决定人该吃什么。From these sup positions D'Adamo then claimed that our blood type determines what food we should eat.

鼎之本用是一种烹饪器具,古代文化中烹饪器具、食物、饮食行为等皆曾象征、隐喻“性”。In ancient culture, cooking vessel, diet and the action of bite and sup symbolize and are metaphor of sex.

北宋时期中原地区不同阶层的人们在饮食生活上差别很大。The bit and sup of different classes of the Central Plains Area differed greatly in Northern Song Dynasty.

清代广州十三行是政府特许的外贸垄断组织。Sup Sam Hung in Guangzhou is a licensed foreign trade organization with special authority from the Qing government.

今天我们有了点小浪,可以玩长坂,浆板,跟学习课程。今天全天都会是低潮。Today got a little small waves, can ride Longboard and SUP , also good for lesson. the tide will be low for the whole day.

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铁凝在解构男权中心社会话语的基础上,建构了一种新的女性人文景观。Based on the deconstruction of the society of the man-in-center, Tiening sets sup a new humanitarian scene of women's image.

为使你了解我们从事的行业,我们随附一份出口单,关于我们目前可供应的主要商品。In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.

我当然是开玩笑.不过你尝一口也不会有什么坏处.几乎所有的中药成分都是天然的.没有什么副作用.But a sup won't do you any harm. Almost all of the ingredients of Chinese medicine come from natural resources, which have little side effects.

这个系统支持“用户移动性”,用户通过使用各种类型的终端可以在服务区四处移动,并且不会与系统失去联系。This system sup ports user mobility where, by using various types of terminals , a user can move around the service area without losing contact with the system.

对长期以来关心、支持亚泰集团发展的各界人士,表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!I also want to express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to those from various circles who are concerned about and sup POrt the development of Yatai group.

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为了加强对英商的管理,1757年,乾隆皇帝将中英贸易限定于广州一地,并推行公行制度。Therefore, the trade between China and Britain was confined to Guangzhou in 1757. Sup Sum Hung were pursued for strengthening the management of British merchants.

本文阐述了为提高河北大学后勤集团饮食管理的质量所开发的饮食管理系统的设计与实现。Expatiating on the design and realization of the bite and sup management system that is developed to improve the bite and sup management quality of the logistic group of Hebei University.

亚泰集团是中国大型企业500强之一,是国家重点支持的十二家全国大型水泥企业集团,也是东北地区最大的水泥生产基地。Yatai group, one of the china's top 500 enterprises, is one of the twelve key companies sup POrted by the central government and also the largest cement production base in the northeast region.