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每个缓存的配置大小。The configured sized of each cache.

杯子大小适合大部分车载饮料杯架放置。It's sized to fit most car cup holders.

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我可以要一杯中杯的珍珠奶茶吗?May I have a medium sized pearl milk tea?

每份设计的尺寸都合乎原衷。Every design is sized to the effect intended.

柴油发电机的大小取决于最大峰值负载。DEGs are usually sized to the maximum peak load.

老陈用那令人畏惧的眼神再一次打量他。Mr. Chen sized him up again with a withering look.

一个防滑环保持这一慷慨碗稳定。A nonskid ring keeps this generous sized bowl steady.

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这是个中等城市,这里以其优美的环境著称。It's a medium- sized city famous for its environment.

火星般大小的行星正在接近原始地球。The Mars sized planetoid is approaching proto -Earth.

我仔细地打量着眼前这个骨瘦如柴的家伙。I just sized up the short and gaunt guy in front of me.

纳米尺寸的晶粒每个只包含大约900个原子。Nanometer sized grains contain only about 900 atoms each.

公司还定制特殊工作需要的各种尺寸的真空袋。P. can also make custom sized bags for those special jobs.

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该暂堵剂不用与地层孔径进行匹配,只需根据地层温度选择产品型号。GPJ does not need to be sized to match formation pore size.

在大多数宴会上都会提供正餐和餐后甜点盘子。Most every spread has both dinner and dessert sized plates.

侧面口袋巨细进行一公升水的瓶子。The side pockets are sized to hold one-liter water bottles.

于是你随手拿了支笔,一张名片,画了张项目表。You grab a business card sized project list card and a pen.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加整页大小的背景图像。Drag onto the page to add a full-page sized background image.

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一些避孕套是“超薄紧缚型”,另外还有“大尺寸型”。Some condoms are "snugger fit," while others are "larger sized."

一些避孕套是“超薄紧缚型”,另外还有“大尺寸型”。Some condoms are "snugger fit, " while others are "larger sized."

D101上的安全阀目前只是按火灾意外情况定的尺寸。Safety valve on D101 is currently sized for fire contingency only.