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你看见汤姆学习小组里那个帅哥了吗?。Did you see that Adonis in Tom's study group?

我走了进去,等了两个小时,随后就叫爱多尼斯。I went inside, waited 2 hours, then called Adonis.

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阿芙罗狄特爱阿多尼斯胜过爱别的任何人。Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did anybody else.

你要屈尊下嫁,我可不想当小白脸儿。I think you may deign to marry me. I don't want to be an Adonis.

她作为植物女神的性格可以从阿道涅斯故事里看出来。Her character as a goddess of vegetation is shown in the story of Adonis.

她是乌拉诺斯与赫墨拉之女,后与阿多尼斯结婚。Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis.

彼得真是一个美男子,他在高年级班中被选为最英俊的男孩。Peter who was chosen the handsomest boy in the senior class is quite an Adonis.

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这一重大决定是由交通部长阿东尼斯勋爵在议会上宣布的。The decision was announced in Parliament by the Transport Minister Lord Adonis.

相反地,这位被流放在的法国的“美男子”却令许多叙利亚人失望至极。Instead, Adonis — who lives in exile in France — bitterly disappointed many Syrians.

彼得真是一个美须眉,蓬蓬裙春天降落。他在高年级班中被选为最俊秀的男孩。Peter who was chosen the handsomest guy in the senior clrear end is quite an Adonis.

阿芙罗狄蒂爱阿多尼斯胜过爱别的任何人,因为他是一个精神抖擞、生气勃勃的少年猎手。Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did anybody else, for he was a brisk, lovely young hunter.

探索CBF转录激活因子基因在侧金盏花中是否存在。The aim was to explore whether the CBF transcriptional activator gene existed in Adonis amurensis.

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他站在厨房的中间,又变成了一尊阿多尼斯的雕像,心不在焉地向后窗外看去。He stood in the middle of the kitchen, the statue of Adonis again, staring abstractedly out the back windows.

鲁道夫·瓦伦丁诺,这部无声电影中的美男子,有一个绝妙的本事——使女人感到膝头发软。Rudolph Balentino, the Adonis of the silent films, had one great quality— to make women feel weak at the knees.

有马克这样的美男子在你身边,你最好提防着点,汤布里奇半数的女子都会追求他!With an Adonis like Mark at your side, you had better watch out. Half the girls in Tonbridge will be after him!

有马克这样的美男子在你身边,你最好提防着点,汤布里奇半数的女子都会追求她。With an Adonis like Mark at your side, you had better watch out. Half the girls in Tonbridge will be after him!

维纳斯的一生都在追求爱情,她与阿多尼斯之间的爱情就成为千古绝唱。Venuss life in the pursuit of love, she and Adonis becomes the eternal love between the peak of poetic perfection.

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有马克这样的美男子在你身边,你最好提防着点儿,汤布里奇半数的女子都会追求他!With an Adonis like Mark at your side, you had better watch out. Half of the girls in Tonbridge will be after him.

这些姑娘就站成一排,在路灯下踢球绕着操场走了一圈,随后就绕道我身旁,过去了。Adonis had them all do some stretching followed by a light jog around the pitch. While they were gone he walked over to me.

阿芙洛狄特的故事以及她与属于人类的阿多尼斯之间的插曲,构成了对激情的表里双重意义的有趣的研究。The story of Aphrodite and her interlude with the human Adonis makes for an interesting study of the double edged sword that passion can be.