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作为一名葡萄酒爱好者,你是否也梦想着自己有一天能成为一名侍酒师?As a wine lover, have you ever dreamed of being a sommelier?

这个应用程序也有我调酒师的声音。The app has also made me something of a sommelier of sounds.

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一个斟酒服务员要离职了,老板给了他顶替上去的机会。A sommelier was leaving and he was offered the chance to step in.

找闻此免费视频从一个葡萄酒品酒师酒的芳香小技巧。Get tips for smelling wine aromas in this free video from a wine sommelier.

一名服务员向顾客发放印有奢侈价格的水的价格单。A water sommelier handed out water menus with extravagant prices to the patrons.

找了解这个免费视频从葡萄酒的葡萄酒侍酒师的完成秘诀。Get tips for understanding a wine's finish in this free video from a wine sommelier.

了解如何在这个自由年龄皮埃蒙特葡萄酒酒影片从专业侍酒师。Learn how to age Piemonte wines in this free wine video from a professional sommelier.

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获取与此免费视频旋流从葡萄酒品酒师对葡萄酒品尝葡萄酒的提示。Get tips for swirling wine for wine tastings with this free video from a wine sommelier.

了解如何选择这个免费的视频在葡萄酒香气的主要从葡萄酒侍酒师。Learn how to pick the primary aromas in wine with this free video from a wine sommelier.

了解如何对从专业调酒师里奥哈葡萄酒与食品在此免费视频。Learn how to pair Rioja wines with food from a professional sommelier in this free video.

我遇到的第一个谈论路易十三干邑白兰地的酒侍,曾经跟我说过一个故事。One of the first sommelier I saw speaking about Louis Treize used to tell me an anecdote.

在此了解更多有关内比奥罗免费视频皮埃蒙特葡萄酒专业品酒师。Learn more about Nebbiolo Piemonte wines in this free video from a professional sommelier.

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在这个自由了解更多有关内比奥罗葡萄酒意大利葡萄酒影片从专业侍酒师。Learn more about Nebbiolo Italian wine in this free wine video from a professional sommelier.

了解如何确定在这一免费的视频从一个葡萄酒品酒师在品酒酵母香气。Learn how to identify yeasty aromas at wine tastings in this free video from a wine sommelier.

了解更多有关此免费视频巴贝拉葡萄酒皮埃蒙特葡萄酒专业品酒师。Learn more about Barbera Piemonte wines in this free wine video from a professional sommelier.

显然答案是否定的,于是在各大酒庄酒店和俱乐部里,侍酒师这个职业慢慢的形成了。And that is why a profession called Wine Sommelier emerged from wineries, restaurants and clubs.

它可以告诉你如何享用这种酒、它的产地是哪,等等。总之,斟酒侍应生能告诉你的它都能告诉你。It could tell you how to enjoy the wine, where it came from, everything you'd hear from a sommelier.

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找这个免费视频描述了葡萄酒的葡萄酒侍酒师在品酒的身体技巧。Get tips for describing the body of a wine at wine tastings in this free video from a wine sommelier.

学习如何做一个长途电话时,在距闻葡萄酒侍酒师在此免费视频品酒。Learn how to do a long distance sniff when at a wine tasting in this free video from a wine sommelier.

找查明这免费的视频木在品酒会产生香味的葡萄酒侍酒师的秘诀。Get tips for identifying wood derived aromas at wine tastings in this free video from a wine sommelier.