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因此,这就是我得重感冒的原因。Thus, this is th rason why I caught a bad cold.

一个小男孩在罗津特别经济特区的一个礼堂表演。A young boy performs at an auditorium in the Special Economic Zone of Rason city.

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导致氢含量过高的原因可能在于锻后退火不足。The main rason of leading to overhigh hydrogen content was insufficient anneal after forged.

8月29日在中朝交界的罗津市,一位边境官员和游客正在交谈。A border officer talks with tourists at the border between China and North Korea in Rason on Aug. 29.

我们的行程中最有意思的部分就是他们带我们参观罗先市当地的市场。One of the most interesting parts of our trip was when they took us to see the local market in Rason.

专家们将罗先视为最可行的方案,主要是因为中国对于确保它的成功具有浓厚的兴趣。Experts see Rason as the most viable project, mainly because of China's considerable interest in ensuring it is successful.

外国记者聚集在从朝鲜北部罗津港开始首航的Mangyongbyong号甲板上的船舱里。Foreign journalists gather in a cabin aboard the cruise ship Mangyongbyong in the first-ever cruise from Rason in North Korea.

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一个朝鲜服务员在朝鲜东北独立经济特区罗津城的一个饭馆。A North Korean waitress serves in a restaurant in Rason city, a separately administered economic zone in North Korea's far northeast.

这次我到了一个很不一样的地方,罗先市的“特别经济区”,位于朝鲜的东北角,与俄罗斯和中国相邻。This time I saw a very different part of the country, the Rason "Special Economic Zone" in the far northeast corner of North Korea, bordering Russia and China.

朝鲜有两个经济特区,其中一个是临近中国和俄罗斯的东海岸小港口罗先,另一个是在西部临近中国丹东市的黄金坪岛上建立的。There are two SEZs, one at the small port of the Rason on the east coast near China and Russia, and the other in the west at Hwanggumpyong island near the Chinese city of Dandong.

朝鲜海军官员在前方查看,因为第一次从朝鲜的罗津港出发的Mangyongbyong号准备在金刚山码头靠岸。A North Korean naval officer keeps watch in the foreground as the cruise ship Mangyongbyong prepares to dock at Mount Kumgang port in the first-ever cruise from Rason in North Korea.

虽然如此,朝鲜却实施了一个令人惊讶的举措,开辟了一条往返罗先市和金刚山的航线,全程大概21小时,这是朝鲜有史以来的第一条游轮航线。Even so, the country took a surprisingly tourist-friendly move when North Korea launched its first-ever cruise, which sailed for 21 hours along the coast from Rason to Mount Kumgang.

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从设备结构和操作使用两方面,分析了某石化装置中火管式废热锅炉的损坏原因。介绍了该锅炉的修复过程及修复时应注意的事项。The failure rason of firetube waste heat boiler in a petrochemical device was analyzed from equipment structure and operation. The repair process and attentive events were introduced.

有着这个优势,中国可以给它点压力获得黄古勇作为日本海的出海口,中国自十九世纪中期被俄罗斯割去了外满洲里的巨额土地后就失去了出海口。With greater leverage, China might now be getting its way. Rason offers a port on the Sea of Japan, something denied China since it ceded Outer Manchuria to Russia in the mid-19th century.