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那两个齿轮啮合后机器就转动了。One cog -wheel engages with another.

锅炉启动点火煤气为焦炉煤气。COG will be used to ignite and start boiler.

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我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog.

赌徒们藏骰子在手掌中并且要诈赌。The gamesters will palm the dice and will cog.

中国劳动力密集型工厂,类如齿轮一样的生活究竟是什么样子呢?And what is life like for a cog in China’s labor-intensive factory model?

Kreamer说,“许多雇员觉得自己仅仅是轮盘上一个不知名的小齿”。Many workers simply feel like "an anonymous cog in a wheel," says Kreamer.

每个工人在某种程度上都是这个运转良好的机器上的齿轮。Each worker is, in a way, a cog in this huge, well-oiled production machine.

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如果这是你的情况,你会非常适合许多预先确定的地方。If that’s your case, your cog will fit nicely in many pre-determined places.

中国劳动力密集型工厂,类如齿轮一样的生活究竟是什么样子呢?And what is life like for a cog in China's labor-intensive factory model? Mr.

达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。For Dallas, the diminutive J.J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.

达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。For Dallas, the diminutive J. J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.

如果你拥有一个谷歌帐号,点击齿轮图标,找到网络历史记录一项,然后登陆。If you have a Google account, click the cog icon, select Web History, and log in.

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其它游客则搭乘齿轨式小火车到山顶,或者开车走13公里长的蜿蜒曲折道路上山。Others ride a small cog railway to the summit or take the winding eight-mile road.

本文对横管初冷器运行前后硫酸铵产量及系统运行情况进行了分析。The operating situation in the cross pipe primary cooling process for COG is described.

我将成为一架庞大机器中的一个齿轮,其转动的方向得由当权者来定。I will be a cog in a vast machine the operation of which is directed by the authorities.

十一世纪,柯克战船经过改进,以坚固耐久的橡木建成,号为霍克战舰。Constructed with strong and durable oak, the Holk is an 11th century development of the Cog.

这是一种一种持续的提醒,说你只是机器上的一个齿轮不需要在此安定下来。It is a continual reminder that you are just a cog in the machine and mustn't get too settled.

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在“胜利”号上,进入逃生舱的舱口都带有共和国的“齿轮”形徽章。The entry hatchways to the escape pods aboard the Triumphant have the Republic "cog" logo on it.

当情况更加倾向于执行,你更像是成为了一个齿轮,你只要努力出活。When things get more execution-focused, you become more of a cog and you just grind out the work.

如果把通用汽车比作机器,那么中国就是机器正常运转必不可少的齿轮。M. always had in its back pocket, and China will be a vital cog in G. M. 's machine going forward.