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我这室友还真是客气啊。Courtesy of my room-mate.

他缺乏礼貌。He is wanting in courtesy.

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让礼貌成为你的华饰!Let courtesy be your adorning.

礼之用,和为贵。Courtesy purposes, and for your.

迟来的礼貌就是失礼。A slow courtesy is a discourtesy.

礼让有助于更安全驾驶。Courtesy makes for safer driving.

相片来自迈克尔.米亚莫托Photograph courtesy Michael Miyamoto

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礼貌不费事,意义却很大。Courtesy costs little and means much.

他礼貌性地给她写了一封回信。He wrote back to her out of courtesy.

图片承蒙世界自然基金会惠赠Photograph courtesy World Wildlife Fund

总是练习着彬彬有礼且老成练达。Exercise courtesy and tact at all times.

单方面的礼貌不会持久,礼尚往来。Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.

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中华民族是个讲究仪礼的国家。China is a country of courtesy and propriety.

只是礼数绝不可少。It is courtesy only absolutely cannot little.

打102分机找免费服务部。Just call Courtesy Services at extension 102.

一个人的礼貌是一面照出他的肖像的镜子。One ’s courtesy is a mirror to see his image.

模糊是曝光一秒钟的结果。The blur is courtesy of a one-second exposure.

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我要乘坐免费旅客接送车。I want to take the courtesy car for passangers.

礼貌和美貌是分不开白勺伴侣。Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.

美国宇航局空间科学研究所喷气推进实验室Image courtesy NASA JPL, Space Science Institute