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反对全国性的政府权威,维护地方文化。Return to an appreciation of idiosyncrasy as against state regimentation.

人格是生物内在特质旳最高实现。Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncrasy of a living being.

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也许这些公司所激发的强烈的忠诚感只是一种有趣的癖好。Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy.

并依个人特质与需求,引导与协助建立个人表现技术与风格。And depend on the idiosyncrasy and demand , lead and help to set up performance technology and style.

认识、把握了“气”就相当于认识、把握了传统哲学的灵魂、特质。To know and understand "Qi" is to gain a mastery of the spirit and idiosyncrasy of traditional philosophy.

在香港,裕景是少有的具有风格化的房地产开发商,有能力并乐于满足市场和消费者品味需求。An idiosyncrasy to the colossal developers of Hong Kong, Eton is able to respond with grate alacrity to markets and consumer tastes.

一种关系能够在分属两党的八位总统执政期间都得到蓬勃发展,必然有比个人癖好更为深刻的原因。A relationship that thrived under eight American Presidents of both political parties must have resulted from deeper causes than personal idiosyncrasy.

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这一过程受到研发人员和企业的关系强度、期望价值、个体特质以及知识的性质等因素的影响。This process is under the influence of relation strength of R&D personnel and enterprise, expectation, individual idiosyncrasy , property of knowledge, etc.

图书馆已经开始试验这些方法,但是单个图书馆的规模可能不足以解决本地或者个人的特性。Libraries have begun to experiment with these approaches, but individual libraries may not have the scale to iron out local or personal idiosyncrasy or emphasis.

研究表明有效教师的个人特质与特征分别是具备激励性人格、以成功为导向,具备较高的期望值、专业品行。The study shows effective teachers idiosyncrasy and characteristic shall include encouraging personality, success orientation, higher expectation, professional quality.

1995年,欧洲学者凯茨和麦尔首先提出卡特尔政党的概念,同时总结了卡特尔政党在国家与社会中的地位转变所衍生出的特质。In 1995, Katz and Mair proposed the concept of cartel parties for the first time and summarized its idiosyncrasy which came from the status conversion in state and society.

浮石混凝土在密实成型后,其凝结硬化过程中对于湿养护的敏感性较小,这有利于简化施工养护措施和减少早期混凝土缺陷的产生。Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna.

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从理论特质上看,中国特色社会主义理论体系具有继承性、创新性、开放性、时代性、前瞻性和科学性。Looking from the theoretic feature, it has the idiosyncrasy of successive nature, innovative nature, opening nature, times nature, foresightedness and scientific nature, etc.

其产品设计溶合了欧式新古典主义风格、法式及美式的乡村古典风格,并且富有尊贵、奢华、优雅、大气等明显特质。The product's design inosculated continental neoclassicism, French and American country classicism, and also have idiosyncrasy of exalted, silk-stocking, gentler, decent, etc.

他建议其他研究者们要再进行测试,以验证研究结果并不仅是“特定脸部肖像样本的气质”。" He suggested that other researchers would need to also run their own tests to verify that the reported link was not "an idiosyncrasy of this particular sample of face images.

本文以明清神魔小说中的妖怪形象为研究对象,试图从总体上归纳明清神魔小说中妖怪形象的特征与特质,探讨其文化意蕴、审美特征和文学功能。This thesis sets images of monsters in supernatural evil-spirit novels of Ming and Qing as research subjects and tries to epitomize the characteristic and idiosyncrasy of it as a whole.

采用串级控制方式,可以改善对象特性,提高系统的工作,加快过渡过程,增强抗干扰能力。Using the control of two-closed loop can ameliorate the idiosyncrasy of object, advance the work of system, quickening the process of transition, strengthening the ability of anti-jamming.

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喜剧演员们的幽默大多围绕着佩林对枪支、狩猎驼鹿的热爱,有限的从政经验和庞大的家庭展开。Much of the humor is drawn from Palin's passion for guns, moose hunting, limited experience in public office and large and growing family -- all in a state viewed as a bastion of idiosyncrasy.

胶原蛋白由于具有良好的生物相容性、弱抗原性和可生物降解性等优良特性,而在医药卫生等诸多领域有广泛的应用。Collagen is widely used in various fields, such as food, hairdressing, medical and health, etc. , because of its good biological compatibility, decomposability and low immunogenic idiosyncrasy.